The call

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8:00 am GMT, Brighton, UK

Wilbur woke up to his alarm going off, he sighed, turning it off and checking his phone, a notification stood out, AlexAngelic had followed and liked his post? He knew that name, it was SneegSnags brother, the one he raided. Wilbur clicked on the like, which took him to the post, it was an older post. Had Alex been insta stalking him? he let out a small chuckle, He didn't know why this was funny to him, but it was. As he checked other apps, twitter trending, nothing about him or his friends being canceled, okay. Messages, just a few from Tommy, he'll respond later. Discord was up next, He scrolled through Dm's nothing important, wait, he got an idea. Why not give Alex some shit about the like? He sent a DM

WilburSoot: So I see you've found my Instagram, tell me little Sneeg, did I look better then vs now?

He clicked send, letting out another chuckle before following Alex back on Instagram, and closing his phone.

Wilbur didn't have much planned for his day, he wasn't going to be streaming or working on music, so in his mind that made it the perfect day to give his friends little brother shit.

4:02 am Manhattan, NY

Due to it being September, amusement parks were open, which meant, Sneeg got tickets. At 4:02 am he used his key to unlock Alex and Alistair's apartment door, slamming it shut making alistair who was asleep on the couch for some odd reason, peak his head up and look at him "why the fuck are you in our house Brendon at, what time is it?" they said, a bit of grogginess in their voice. "Glad you asked stairs, it is 4 am and I'm taking you and Alex to this new amusement park. It opened in June but I just got tickets" he said, rather proudly. Alistair let out a sigh "Brendon, it is 4 am, the amusement park is not open." they said, rather done with Brendon's bullshit. "I know that idiot, but you and Alex take forever to get ready and i wanna be there when it opens" He said with a bit of a whine like you would hear a child doing when they don't get what they want. "Alright fine but you're in charge of waking your brother up" Alistair told him, grabbing his phone and unlocking it. They watched as Sneeg made his way to Alex's room. Sneeg came to the apartment a lot, so much so he had his own key that he may or may not have begged for. Once Sneeg was at Alex's door he knocked, no answer, letting out a sigh and muttering "so help me god if Alex punches me I will not be buying that man a churro"

Once in the room he started to nudge Alex "wake up loser come on big plans for today get up" which earned a groan from Alex, who was not a morning person "I'm up I'm up, why are you here Brendon??" Brendon scoffed as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "No time for questions, get up and get ready we're going out in public all day so dress like you might run into a fan because I know I will." He said, taking one of Alex's pillows and hitting Alex with it to wake him up more before leaving the room.

Alex sighed, what the hell did his brother mean? Alex grabbed his phone, turning it on. 4 am really? He let out a sigh before seeing a dm from Wilbur

WilburSoot: So I see you've found my Instagram, tell me little Sneeg, did I look better then vs now?


Was Alex's first thought. Quickly responding to the message, the conversation went like this.

AlexAngelic: im sosososo sorry about that i just wanted to learn a bit about you i promise i was not stalking

AlexAngelic: im srryyyyy

WilburSoot: No no its fine, fans do it all the time ;)

AlexAngelic: are u calling me a fan? I will have u know im not the fan, u are smh

WilburSoot:Oh yeah i'm your number one stan i run a fan page for you and an update page

Alex couldn't help but smile before quickly stopping himself, no he was not going to be caught smiling at a cis white boys texts, bad Alex. As a distraction he decided to finally get ready. Making his way to the mirror that was on the floor, doing his makeup which was just basic eyeliner and concealer, and fluffing up his hair. He would have to shower tomorrow if he wanted to avoid greasy hair, then he focused on getting dressed, throwing on an oversized Stranger Things shirt and a pair of mom jeans, baggy yet again. Next step was shoes, Did he want to go with his converse or no? Then he remembered, he owned two pairs of shoes, demonias, and his converse. He was not going to be wearing demonias if they were going to be out doing something all day. Alex slid on the converse before making his way out of his room and checking his phone, holy shit it was already

5:35 am, Manhattan, NY

Within minutes of him leaving his room they were out the door, you could hear complaints from Alistair as to it being to early for, and i quote "Brendon's bullshit"

The subway wasn't too far from their apartment so within 10 minutes they were on, Sneeg was standing so Alex and Alistair could both sit, if he didn't a very tired Alex would have made him. Alex was on his phone and so was Alistair, Brendon was not, therefore he saw when his little brother smile at his phone, not laughing so that out ruled a possibility of a meme. "What are you smiling at Alex? A boy??" Brendon teased, Alex's face made somewhat of a panicked look before changing it to a glare. Whilst Alex was glaring at Sneeg, Alistair had taken a peek at Alex's phone "oh my god its dms with Wilbur!" They exclaimed making Alex quickly shut his phone off "no I wasn't Alistair stop lying" He tried to cover his ass but it didn't work, Brendon had swooped in and grabbed Alex's phone, his fingerprint had been saved due to the fear of Alex's that if Alex died and no one but the police could get into his phone, people who didn't know him would see the kind of media he consumed, lets just say, Alex liked fanfics, he even had Wattpad premium.

When Brendon opened the phone, he saw the conversation that had happened earlier "I swear to god Alex if you find a way to bone one of my friends i will never forgive you, but if you two do get married i better be best man" he said, and before Alex could butt in Alistair retorted "Nuh uh i better be best man." they teased and Alex hid his head in his hands "it's not like that, we literally just met and were not even friends. Plus I do not have a thing for the British white boy" which earned a laugh from the other two. It wasn't long until the subway stopped and they made their way out. After a 2 minute walk they were at the amusement park, all negative feelings about being up so early were gone from the two roommates and Brendon looked proud.

9:00 pm, NY

It had started to get dark around 8 so they had made their way to the bar. Before that they had spent the majority of the day going on rides, eating food they knew was gonna be regretted later, and just having a blast. Now however they were at the bar, Alex had already begun drinking, trying to get either his brother or Alistair to go shot for shot with him, which didn't work, Alistair only had a few drinks and Sneeg only wanted one beer. "Noooo come on, Brendon one shot with me" Alex said, waving down the bartender "2 shots of vodka pleaseeee" Alex said dragging out the e in please. The bartender looked over at Brendon who shook his head, he mouthed a "just one" Alex gave a small pout before the shot came and he downed it, earning a sour face from himself.

"Who thought it was a good idea to bring Alex to the bar again?" Brendon asked Alistair who in reply said "You did. I warned you and you blew it off"

10:07 pm a bar in Manhattan NY

"Cmon Alex time to go" Alistair had said trying to get a drunk Alex to stand up "nooooo one more drink pleaseee" he slurred out earning a small chuckle from sneeg "no way in hell" was all sneeg had said "fine, I'm gonna call Wilbur and he's gonna say to let me have another drink" Alex pouted fishing out his phone

"Isn't there a rule like don't let your friends call guys when they're drunk?" Brendon asked Alistair who shook his head "that applies to exs only I'm letting this happen" Alistair chuckled before hearing the ringing of Alex's phone indicating that Alex had started to call Wilbur on discord.

3:09 am GMT, Brighton, UK

Wilbur woke up to his phone ringing, letting out a small whinish groan and looking at it, it was Alex on discord? What did Alex need? They had only ever had like 2 conversations. Despite that, Wilbur found himself answering "Hello? Alex you alright? It's 3 am" he said before Alex responded "wilburrrrrr Brendon and Alistair wont let me have another drinkkkk tell them to let me have oneee" So Alex was drunk, WIlbur concluded "How many have you had?" Wilbur let out a tired laugh "uhhhhhh" was Alex could muster, having lost count "I think you should listen to Sneeg and your friend, Alex" he said letting out another small laugh "fineee bye bye Wilburr" Alex slurred before hanging up. Shortly after Sneeg had sent an apology dm to Wilbur who in response told him it was fine and he didn't mind.

10:40 pm Manhattan, NY

Alex soon arrived home, his arm over Brendon's shoulders as he helped him to bed. "Wilburs nice" Alex said softly before falling asleep in his bed. Sneeg walked out of Alex's room with a small chuckle "you think somethings ever going to become of them?" Brendon heard Alistair ask "Maybe, only time will tell" He responded before watching Alistair go to his room, and with that Brendon left for his own apartment.

Im Not a Monster Just Human // Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now