Day II | Merry

67 3 4

Prompt : Merry

AU : Rainbow Quest Aftermath

Any ship included : none

Triggers : saddening..?

Progress : finished

As the snow fell down from the skies , making people laugh and decorate all around.. with smoke coming out the chimneys of the houses and the castle belonging to Gerald sparkling even more with all of its decorations, still it just didn't feel right for a certain Orange Steve

They should've been here , they all were just so young. Not even over many generations old. He had lost so many children just along two years. What was the Orange leader even to say as he stared at the wall in his living room.. what could he say?..

Hung up there was a stone axe.. a favorite poem written on paper , drumsticks and a hoodie. Particularly a chicken hoodie.

Maybe they weren't his biological children , not even one bit. Not even of the same kind or color two of them. Yet he loved them all as his own ,

Sabre with his childish behavior yet demanding and caring personality towards others and himself ;

Funny with their piercing song experience at the drums and random jokes even at the worst of times ;

Ciel.. Rainbow's fiance with his poem books and teaching Alexander how to speak more as he had a undeveloped voice from his creation to find his passion;

And finally.. Novas , his oldest who he never had thought to become a Rainbow Steve , a hero at that , with his creativity and generosity hidden behind a mainly rude but innocent persona.

They all were his children but he'd never see them for another celebration , year or day again. Not physically at least , for Funny he could talk with him through letters given to them in the beyond or asking to see him through a portal. Novas , Ciel and Sabre through?

He couldn't even send a letter or a simple 'hello'. They were gone forever.. how could he even deal with that?..  how was he even processing this. He questioned himself

And with that , he found himself suddenly throwing on a orange sweater and warmer clothes messily before going towards the door as to exit his home.. stopping in his path as he noticed the fake flowers he had made earlier in boredom when the weather had been worser to even step outside of their houses, sitting simply on a chest of his, he had picked them all up silently and made his way out.

Yet as the breeze hit his face.. he contemplated doing it now , till finally pushing forward through those thoughts and going towards the bridge walking past he unconsciously found himself walking towards Sabre's and Novas statues first.

While the kingdom was lively currently with the more gentle weather out.. no one was visiting any of their heroes and wishing them any well so he would. He would cater for them and do it till he had to step down for either Alexander or Happy to step up and take over the ruling of the kingdom themselves. Till he found himself not even being able to get up or not even able to touch those darned things.

Suddenly he found himself staring up at the statues he whispered just barely enough to be heard even by a bird if a cricket at that.

"Merry Nativitatis(Christmas in latin) Novas.. Sabre.."

He told as he felt a tear whelm up in his eyes from just the pain he felt. Biting his lower lip , he held them in as best he could while he put down the flowers in the pots settled for offerings and flowers made just to Sabre and Novas.

Which had withering flowers all around and in them including handmade gifts from earlier on in the month from the people..

Through as the snow fell more and more , faster and faster starting up a small blizzard. The Leader sat down in front of the statues. Silently saying his own prayers for his two sons and speaking nonsense he knew they would never hear , he cleaned their statues oh so gently as to not even make a dent in them. Yet in the end he wanted them to know they are not even yet one bit forgotten , so early after their death or disappearance too. They were merely just children , with no fate now he sobbed quietly as everything went quiet..

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