Chapter 7 (part 2)

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I rolled over and lashed my arm out looking for the alarm clock that was blaring in my head. My had smacked something hard. Surprised, I opened my eyes and saw Aiden glaring at me. Apprently he didn't like to be smacked this early in the morning. I giggled and his expreI ssion softened as he laid back down and closed his eyes dozing off again. Frowning, I climbed out of bed and looked for some clothes. My laundray hadn't been done before I left and there was barely anything clean. I finally found a pair of Forever XXI black and white striped short shorts and a bright green tank top. Grabbing some underwear I headed to the bathroom to shower.

There was still the same purple bottle of Aussie clean and mend shampoo and conditioner sitting on the corner of the ledge. I turned on the white and green shower radio someone had gotten me for my birthday last year. As I was undressing mmy favorite song came on, Not Afraid by Eminem. Rapping along with Eninem I climbed in the shower admiring my small waist in the mirror. Nothing was better than appreciating my figure, and I loved mine. Washing my hair I noticed how long my hair had gotten since last year when I had had it cut to my chin, it was now hovering above my butt. When I finished showering and drying my hair. I put on minimal make up and walked into my room to find Aiden still asleep in the middle of my bed. Deciding the best way to wake him up was by jumping on him, I snuck closer to the bed. When I was about to pounce Aiden grabbed my hips and pulled me down on the bed so fast I barely relized what just happened. I stared blankly up at him confused.

"You forget, I can read your mind." He smirked pinning my shoulders against the bed. 

"You forget that we have school..." I trailed off.

"Your right, we do have school." Aiden replied frowning,"And we have to find Cecillia."

I stuck out my tongue but simled at him. Walking out of my room I ran right into my dad. He had gotten a little pudgy and his belly stuck out of the top of pants. He had on old jeans and a torn up shirt. Taking a step back I looked up a little scared to see what his reaction would be. All he did was frown at me and walk away. Confused, I looked back at Aiden and shrugged. He followed me down the stairs and walked over to the refigerator pulling out the orange juice and some bread to make toast. I looked at the food and my fangs started throbbing. 

"I don't think bread and orange juice is gonna cut it..." I hinted to Aiden who turned and smiled at me. At that same moment my mom walked in the kitchen and glared at the both of us.

"If you think you can have a quickie in my kitchen before school you are both out of yo---." She started yelling at the both of us but I quickly cut her off as the aroma of her blood and the beating of her heart threw me into bloodlust.

Before she finished her rant I had her around the throat against the kitchen wall sniffing at her neck. The sweet smell of her blood was so intruiging, probably because it was so similar to my old blood. Her heart beat quickened and her neck started pulsing faster under my hand. The quicken pulse made me happier, scaring her was so enjoyable. Looking up at her face I saw her eyes were starting bulged and were wide with fear. Smirking I moved back to her neck about to sink my teeth into her sweet blood filled veins. Just as my fangs grazed her neck a hand pulled me roughly off of her and shoved me to the ground. I looked up angry, who would dare interupt my breakfast. As I stood, rage filled me to the point of wanting to break whoevers neck just interupted the lovely moment of sucking the women would had made my life a living hell dry. I came face to face with Aiden, whose face was unreadable.

You don't want to kill her Michelle. She's still your mom whether you hate her or not. You have to learn to control your blood lust. I'll take you out soon.

Not bothering to reply I turned sharply on my heel and walked out of the door. If he wouldn't let me have my mom I would find someone else who annoyed me to drain of their oh so precious human blood. Walking down the street I could hear little animals running around and people talking from inside their houses. My feet carried me towards my pray before I even smelled anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2011 ⏰

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