7;//;.. D4MN1T..

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"okay.." I panted, "it wasn't THAT funny guys!" I said slightly loud, as shaking the redness away.

"yeah okay, sure." billy said smiling, as helping me up slightly. "anyways lovebirds.. what movie are we watching?" stu asked as also teasing billy and I, we just both gave him a look of dissapointment. 

"well, Honestly I'm more into the classics so.. halloween, nightmare on elm street, texas chainsaw massacre, carrie, child's play, the excorsist, friday the 13th, psycho, ect." you said as you named the ones that were on your head that you favor more in your collection. the two boys just laughed, as then billy asked in a somewhat weird voice yet you somehow ignored.

 "what's your favorite scary movie, sweetcheeks?" he purred under his breath, as grinning with stu. they just reminded you of something, but you didn't know what. you just let it slide, and figured you were just overthinking it.

"my favorite.. well, I don't have one. I've said that before to randy, I'm sure you guys would've known that when you were listening." I said shaking my head slightly, i'd sigh. "but I'll choose the movie, and we're going to watch carrie. it's really good in my opinion." I say as smiling, and walking away as they follow me.

we got to the living room, and I quickly pulled the movie out and threw it to stu. "there, you guys set it up and get comfy. I'll go get drinks and snacks, anything you guys want?" I ask as heading towards the kitchen, "If you have any beer I want one, and some chips or grapes short stuff!" stu yelled, "and billy wants popcorn, and a glass of coke!" stu yelled as I continued, I got into the kitchen and realized.. that was the same snacks I had when ghostface visited. again, probably just overthinking it so it's fine.. 

I'd throw a bag of Doritos, and two cans of beer at stu as the popcorn cooked. I'd grab two coke cans and pour one half into a wine glass and the other half in another glass, as grabbing the extra canm and bringing the drinks over to billy. "don't drink all the cola, Loomis.. I want some." I said as walking back into the kitchen, and grabbing a brownies box. I'd grab one, and opened it as putting it into my mouth as throwing the both into the living room as it knocked stu's head. 

"oww..! what was that for?" Stu whined, as I giggled smirking. I'd go back to see the popcorn, it being ready by now I grabbed a big bowl and put all the contents of the popcorn into it. adding (whatever you like/the boys like), and walking back into the living room as turning the kitchen light off. 

as walking in, you'd plop down in the middle of them and started to eat your popcorn, as billy sipped his cola peacefully as stu sipped on his beer. stu seemed to not be very easily drunk, probably by all of the parties he's had nowadays.. and billy seemed actually like enjoying his time and seemed, well happy in a way. you couldn't describe it but, it seemed billy wasn't very fond of big groups even when he's with everyone he still kinda keeps to himself. these two also seemed to have a very strong friendship.. it was quite a cute friendship.

as you sipped your cola, you seen stu finish his chips and his beer and you smiled looking at stu. stu then looked at the time and sighed, "well.. I must go now, it's that time. but I'm glad we got to watch some of the movie and have fun!" stu said as he slowly got up, and turned to us "oh and uh.. don't get too loud or anything, we don't want anyone to think someone's getting murdered in here." stu laughed as my face got slightly red, and billy's did kinda too.. maybe just the trick of the light. "stu.. go or else you'll be late." billy said as he sighed, looking directly at stu in his eyes. stu sighed and whined slightly, 

"FFine.." he huffed the F dramatically, as he looked at me and bended down slowly. "good-day to you, (L/N).." he'd chuckle as holding your hand, and bowing giving it a small kiss. your face was heated up slightly, as making a face. "you're way too fancy, Mr. Macher. good-day to you too." I'd say as smiling slightly, looking up at stu as soon he headed off and out the door.

leaving it to be only billy and you.

it was quiet most the time, watching the movie and drinking cola. but you kinda noticed you were hogging the popcorn and felt bad, so instead of making it really awkward you put the bowl right inbetween your thighs and stopped eating it. but as you stopped, you felt someone's cold-ish fingers sway against your thigh and go into between them just to grab some popcorn. you noticed you were tense at first, and you sighed quietly as you felt those weird turns into your stomach.

soon enough, carrie was getting over and stu has already called billy. you were just sitting on the couch, as you heard billy say something or at least you thought it was billy for a second.. till you heard the voice.

oh that deep raspy voice, you wonder who's voice it was. the voice you didn't think you would hear tonight. the one you grasped the popcorn bowl harder than you thought, as your heartbeat raced and told you to not listen in further but.. it was mesmirizing. 

you just needed to hear it one more time, before you can be sure that its..

"what's your favorite scary movie.."

the conversation was clear on what was going to happen, it was only a matter of time but.. could it be that your overthinking was true, and it's THE two people you liked most to hang around? your two favorite boys..

were they GHOSTFACE together?!

(1710 WORDS.. >

next..... >>>

(Billy Loomis x Y/N) "No matter what, my love." /DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now