Meeting the Parents.

Start from the beginning

"But don't worry! I don't use it unless I get permission first."

"And Shiro What's your ability?"

"Observations I don't have one." He lied with ease He knew about them all and he hated the fact that he did. He hated how he knew what they liked and how they felt. He hated how he knew when his own parents would die and his friends he loved so much. He hated the fact that all of this was known, just after he explained what his ability was. He knew that if he had told them he would be used and he didn't like it so he kept his mouth shut.

Ranpo placed a card down and looked at Shiro with a comforting yet sad one. He knew how Shiro felt and he knew what was to happen but he also knew that if Shiro didn't tell them what his ability was then they'd be in deep trouble. Shiro looked back at him as if to confirm he'd tell them and Ranpo continued with the game.

"Nice to hear." Dazai hummed looking back at Miyako.

"Dark haired? How'd you get that name?" Ciarán stared.

"My Dad Has a weird sense of humor and My other parent really liked the name. They said it made me sound like a majestic being when I was born. So My Dad chose my meaning and Other parent liked it so we just kept it. But really I love the name."

"Sincere and Kind? What are your Parents like Atsuko?" He questioned once more as Atsuko shuffled around a bit and stood up whilst tapping his foot fast.

"My parents are weird My father has the tendency to hurt himself and it makes me sad and my mother well she's got issues to high hell and back. But they get along hell they made me. I don't look or act much like my parents because I'm around my uncles more often. But back to them well My mother is a beautiful Lady she is very short though and stubborn. My father he uh I can't explain him all I know is that I've got one. I don't see him around alot. He's normally out and about trying new ways to hurt himself. My mother doesn't like it cause she cares deeply though she doesn't show it.-"

"Are you going to explain the whole damn backstory about your parents You really are sentimental." A voice was heard and Atsuko and Ciaráns heads shot up towards the window. A girl squatted in the window as she peered inside the building at the Brunette. She looked further past the two as she stepped inside.

"Hello My name is Miyako Ozaki. I'm here for my friends." She said as wiped off her leggings. She smiled as she spotted Shiro sitting on a desk with ranpo.

"Never could spend a second without him could you?" Shiro looked over his shoulder as he took out his lollipop.

"You know me I'm not one to turn down a game." He smiled putting the lollipop back in his mouth as he looked back at Ranpo. All she did was smile.

"Nice to meet you Miyako." Ranpo said with a half smile. She only hummed and smiled in reply.

"Nice to meet you too Ranpo-Kun." She said with annoyance dripping from her tongue. It was clear as day to those who could tell. There was a knock at the door as all heads turned towards it. Miyako headed straight for it without a care in the world. She swung the door open with a smile spread across her face As Kimi and her cat stood against the door. Her smile brightened as she took the cat with a yell.

"Baby!" She said hugging the cat closer to her body as Shiro deadpanned at the sight.

"You've always had a thing for cats It's like you'd pick them everytime."

"Yeah says the one who plays games with Daddy." She said in annoyance as she dismissed the two in the hallway. As Kimi walked into the room Yuki shoved past her and Headed straight for the brunette standing beside the desk.

As he took another step his entire body stopped moving and he felt a harsh hit to the back of his head along with a snicker as Kimi walked directly past him with a smile and hugged her brother.

"I missed you!" She said dragging out her words. She kissed his forehead as she released Yuki from her hold and walked towards Ciarán. Yuki only groaned and mumble profanities under his breath as he hugged His boyfriend tightly. Atsuko blushed and wrapped his arms around the others shoulders, putting his chin in the crook of Yukis neck with a smile.

"I missed you Yuki." He smiled brightly as he held onto his boyfriend and pulled away. There was a cough from behind him and he turned around to see Atsushi sraring with a joy filled face and Dazai staring at the two with a look of hatred. Yuki nervously laughed as he introduced himself.

"Hello Dazai My name is Yuki." As Yuki said this he held Atsukos waist. Atsuko glanced over his shoulder with a frighten look in his eyes. Yosano was the one to interrupt the awkward situation.

"Hey She just called and-" She stopped her speech as she seen the kids standing in front of her all staring. Her eyes widened, Before a squeal was heard and she was Engulfed in Miyakos arms.

"Hey Mama." She whispered only loud enough for them to hear. Yosano glanced down at the child in her arms before tears formed in her eyes.

"Miyako? " She said with a smile as she cried tightly hugging the girl.

"Yeah Yeah its me Mama." She said as she pulled away.

"You're so.. big." They laughed for a second before Yosano engulfed the girl again.

"I can't wait to see you grow into a beautiful young lady."

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