I see...

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Chuuya hovered above the three bodies that lay bruised and unconscious beneath him.

"What should we do with them?" Akutagawa asked, covering his mouth as he coughed. Chuuya turn back to his subordinate with a sigh.

"I don't know, They're just a buncha' kids." Chuuya groaned staring at the kids as they rest behind a dumpster covered in dirt.

"Maybe we can bring them back and see if Tachihara can get anything out of them." Akutagawa suggested.

"Look at the state they're in" Chuuya said remorseful.

"They could still be dangerous." Chuuya looked at him in disbelief.

"They're covered in dirt and bruises. Unconscious behind a dumpster. Do they look like a threat!" Akutagawas eyes widened slightly as Chuuya raised his voice. Slowly he shook his head no and pondered on the previous question.

"Well then what should we do with them." Chuuya stared at the kids once more as he though of an answer.

"We could take them back until they wake up then question why they were here?" He answered though it came out more as a question.

"Good enough for me." Akutagawa said as Rashōmon emerged from his coat encasing one with dual colored hair both black and white with a softened expression on his face. A white dirtied jacket drapped over his body as he curled into a ball. Akutagawa felt a slight pang in his chest though he didn't know why. He continued to hold the male while Chuuya took care of the other two. One having bright orange hair cuddled into another who's hair was a dark shade of purple and arms were dropped over The other. Her expression wasn't soft however a dark one and she held the younger with a force chuuya couldn't part.

In a confused state chuuya just picked up the two girls furrowing his brows, he mumbled incoherent words as he made his way back to the PM Headquarters unknown to the them a little black cat followed behind.


As chuuya and akutagawa set them down against the wall Chuuya stare at the one with Orange hair suspiciously.

"There's something off about these three especially the one with Orange hair."
Akutagawa coughed in response as he stared at the dual haired boy with familiarity. He hummed as one started to stir awake. The two stayed on guard as the girl with purple hair sat up with a yawn. She blinked and stretched before looking up at the two.

"Where am I?" She asked her voice like silk yet nerve wrecking at the same time. Akutagawa shift uncomfortably as she stare him down for an answer.

"A building. What's your name?" Chuuya answered as he stood in front of Akutagawa protectively. She looked at him a smile creeping onto her face as she began to stand. Chuuya inched forward ready to activate his ability if need to.

"Miyako Ozaki, What building am I in?" She said as she step forward.

"Doesn't matter how'd you get past the gate?"

"Doesn't matter does it." She said smugly and her foot nudged the other two.

"Wake up. Yuki. Kimi." She stated as a little black cat emerged from between akutagawa and Chuuyas legs. Chuuya stare at the creature in hatred. He never liked cats however Miyako bent down with a bright smile as she squealed.

"Oh my baby~" she said as she picked it up and held it close petting it softly. As the other two had finally awaken they stare at the two standing in front of them.


"You'll ruin your existence if you say that." Miyako interrupted glaring over her shoulder. The other two looked at her before hanging their heads.

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