Thunderstorm -7-

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"Mina.." Momo looks at the girl, "I have to go." Mina runs off, with Momo chasing after her.


Momo watches as Mina drinks away, her own drink untouched knowing Sana would murder her if anything happened to Mina.

"I should" Mina's words were slurred.

"You don't have to..not when you're drunk like this." Momo shakes her head.

"It was my could I even think of being happy when it was all my fault..I can't be happy..I don't deserve to be ha.."

"You're wrong." Momo interrupts Mina's drunken self deprecation, "You deserve all the happiness in this world Mina. Whatever happened in the past is just the past, it isn't your fault."

Eventually, the night slowly passed and although Momo had tried to convince Mina to go home, the girl was unmoving. She'd already managed to stop the bartender from giving her more to drink, so Momo was confused as to why Mina refuses to budge.

"Myoui Mina! Do you know how worried your wife is right now?!" Jeongyeon barges into the bar, yelling in Korean, something she does when she's beyond annoyed or mad.

"Momo? Why didn't you take her home? What happened?" Jeongyeon was surprised to see a very sober Momo.

"She was fine until some girl decided to blame her for someone's death..even asking her if she knew what today was."

"Rima..that bitch."

"She stopped drinking an hour ago but she wouldn't go home."

"Sana would be mad." Mina slurs, half asleep, looking at Jeongyeon, "If I was like this..Sana would be mad...Oh Sana." Mina perks up, "Oh no..I didn't tell her I'd be out.. I should go..woah.." Mina stumbles, but thankfully Jeongyeon and Momo were quick to catch her.

"Okay you are definitely not okay to drive. Did you drink?" Jeongyeon asks Momo who shook her head, "Nope."

"Okay, you take Mina's car home..I'll bring her back."

"I can help you."

"Do you want to explain this to Sana? Because she was the one that called me to look for Mina."

"Be safe then..let me know when you get back."

"You too..text me."

And the two went their separate ways.


Mina could hear people talking, but she was too exhausted and still pretty drunk to care, so she allowed herself to fall back asleep.

"What can I do for you to finally let me in?" Sana sighs, taking off Mina's shoes, tucking her wife in properly, before leaving to grab a washcloth to wipe Mina's face.

"Look at you coming home so drunk Jeongyeon had to put an IV in. Also, how dare you not call me, do you know how worried I was?" Sana scolds Mina.

"Hmm.." Mina groans, waking up slightly, "You waking up?" Sana asks, already settled in bed next to her wife, "Hmm." Mina replies, eyes still shut.

"I'll take that as a no." Sana chuckles, finding the drunk Mina adorable, even though said girl had her worried to death.

"Mitang." Sana calls her wife's name softly, laying on her side, watching Mina.

"Yes?" Mina replies, eyes shut, mind still half asleep.

"You're really drunk right now aren't you."

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