Xavier shrugged and smirked at her. "A lot, but you know I don't like to listen."

She nodded sarcastically. "Yeah, I've caught onto that."

They smiled at each other. Xavier kissed her softly. "How are you this morning?"

Her arms went around his torso. "It's been alright." How about yours?"

They started walking outside. "Ajax snuck into my dorm room and woke Rowan and I up by his snakes slithering on our faces, so, I'd say not so well." He told her with an amused grin.

She chuckled. "I would've punched him in the face."

"I will next time. Rowan's scream was enough for me." He chuckled back.

They smiled at their friends who passed by them. Kennedy's phone dinged in her pocket. She removed one of her arms from his waist and took it out of her back pocket.

halmeoni 🤍
hi, my beautiful girl.
i'm sure you already
know that you'll be staying
with me for a while.
i'm so sorry about this
situation but I promise the two
of us will have the best time
together. i'll see you
at the end of the year.
I love you.

Xavier looked down and saw her fallen expression. "Is everything okay?"

Kennedy shook her head and put her phone away at the same time. "No, I'm not."

He was now more concerned. "What happened?"

She spun around and took off walking. Xavier quickly chased after her. "My mother doesn't want me to come home. I'm staying with my grandma after the year's over." She explained quickly.

"What? Why would she do that?"

"Because she hates me, Xavier!" The girl almost shouted. Her eyes filled with tears of anger.

Kennedy stormed back inside and started running up the stairs. "Ken, hold on!" Xavier called out and ran up the stairs after her. "She doesn't hate you, Kennedy."

"Yes, she does!"

When they reached the top of the stairs, she grabbed her arm and spun her around. "Ken, talk to me!"

She shoved him away. "I don't want to talk, Xavier!  Don't you get it? My own mother hates me! She blames me for my dad dying and now she doesn't want me!"

From the corner of his eye, Xavier could see people staring at them. Anxiety crept in his bones and he grabbed her arm again, gently pulling her away so nobody could see or hear them. "Kennedy, hey, listen to me. It's going to be okay—"

"Stop telling me that!" Kennedy hissed through her teeth. Her eyes went dark. "Everybody tells me that! Nothing's going to be okay."

Xavier attempted to cup her face in his hands.

Not being able to conceal her anger, she pushed her hands away. "Stop, okay? Stop treating me like a child!" She fought again.

He sighed frustratingly. "I'm not treating you like a child! I'm your boyfriend and I'm trying to help you!"

"I don't need your help, Xavier. I just need to be alone."

He scoffed. "You always want to be alone."

Kennedy nodddd. "You're right, I do." She stated and took off down the hallway that led to her room.

Xavier followed after her. "Why do I ever try, Kennedy? Really, why do I? You won't talk to me and you won't ever let me help you." He got angry.

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