Chapter 17: Rafal

Start from the beginning

Lower your guard, I am not a foe. In the middle of my erratic thoughts, I didn t sense that he was already near me. He grabbed my tense hand that has been clutching my flute... And strangely enough, it calmed me...

Would you care for a stroll? I looked at him as if he grew a third eye... I cleared my throat and composed myself..

Not like I have a choice... But in return, you have to help me to exit this place. He nodded and started walking, so I also did the same. It was already dark, and the moon was peaking through the trees, the moonlight was simply .. ethereal when it dimly light the forest.

The walk was silent, but... Unbelievably peaceful.. who in the heavens freak is this man?

We stopped near a cliff, and he stepped back a little, a gesture that encouraged me to walk in front... And the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen was laid Infront of me... The moon was bright and big, while rows of mountain and clouds was simply a delight to one's vision. The breeze swayed my hair as I indulge myself in such amazing sight.

Beautiful isn't? He asked, but I didn't look at him. Very.. I replied in awe

Tell me... Y/n, if you were ever to pick a side between good and evil, which one will you choose?
I merely scoffed at his question, I could never pick between them.

Silly question really, I'm either of them... Sometimes I'm a wicked or a pure person.. just simply, in between. I sensed him walked beside me.

For now... You are. I looked at him with displeasure. Who the hell does he think he is? He doesn't even know me, yet he said those things as if he knew something that I don't...

What are you even saying?!

Don't act like you don't know, your conscience is in shambles, am I not right? You don't even know what you want, you... Don't even know who you truly are.


I really wanted... To say something, to quickly deny... But he's point is too precise... It's always been bugging me how there's always a pull in every decision, every action... There's always a voice that struggles to reach me, but always been burried, a limit that I want to break... To surpass..

But I don't know, I'm lost ... And I need more answers...

Imagine yourself... As a canvas, but splattered with different colors of paint... Messy, chaotic, disordered... Desperate for a painter to fix you, to give you purpose, to organize you... His eyes glowed red, and before I knew it, I couldn't take my eyes off him, I felt a strong pull towards him, as his finger glowed red and I hazely aimed to touch it and I can be that painter. Our fingers touched and our magic collided, as bright red light exploded, enveloping us with crimson smoke. I felt an incredible surge of power running through my body, it was spine chilling and euphoric!

But much too my dismay, it was gone too soon. I looked at him, pleading for more. I can only give you a part of it for now... Once you obtained your finger glow I promise.. I ll complete you.

... He disappeared... I was left on the cliff... Wondering what the hell just happened. But I can't deny that I felt a little more powerful as I stared at my fingers, thinking about how his fingers glowed bright red... How it managed to make me feel... like a part of me was restored.

Rafal... Without knowing .. a tear escaped my eye, feelings are in shambles and in discord... I truly don't know what to feel anymore... Mother... What have I gotten myself into. Mumbling in the dimly moonlit forest... In between of my infuriating thoughts, I held my flute near my mouth, aiming to express my feeling through tune and sound, hoping that the wind will carry it through the meadows, for others to feel my sorrowed music , but instead, have a sense of calmness and tranquility... 

Lesso's POV

I paced around the halls of my school searching for a certain someone, and as much I feel displeasure in admitting it, I am worried and relentless when her presence isn't near me. I groaned in frustration as I realized she wasn't inside these walls, I summoned my hunch wolves demanding an answer on her location. They must have sense my furious state as they mumbled and stuttered, trying to croak an answer.

T-the others said the last time they saw her she was nearing the school's entrance, but instead, went back to school for good. I sighed and massaged my temples, really that girl, once I find her I'll make her pay for making me worried.

I composed myself and readied to go to Dovey's school, after all, it takes a lot of willpower not to burn the horrid place down. Looks like I need to go there, if you see her approaching our school, lock her in my office and report to me at once. Do I make myself clear? They all nodded with caution and went back to their station. As for me... I started to imagine what punishment fits for a trouble making brat like her. It does not fail to deliver exciting shivers at such thoughts


Nearing the school's entrance I banged the door rather forcefully, infuriating the fairies that surrounds me... Though they could only scream and hover around me in anger, after all, if it ever crossed their pathetic little fairy mind to lay a finger on me, I wouldn't have second thoughts in ending their lives, oh how much would I enjoy listening to their bloody screams and gazing upon their terrified eyes.

Lesso?? What in God's name are you doing out here? And in the middle of the night?? Dovey asked with a furious tone, I disregarded her and went inside the halls, calling for y/n telepathically, considering after our encounter in the Doom Room, I never left her mind, and its amusing how much her thoughts consisted of me.

I came to a halt when a hand grabbed my arm, forcing me to do so. What are you doing?! You can't just barged in here without a notice?!!

Where is y/n, princess? I asked, she looked at me confused, wondering why me, being upset, have something to do with the music teacher.

I-I do not know, doesn't she reside on your school? I rolled my eyes at such stupid question.

If she was, I wouldn't be wasting my time here. Seriously, the way you handle security in this school is laughable. At my comment, her face turned red and would most likely huff on the insult, but one of the little floating trolls whispered something on her ears. Must've been a horrid news since her eyes widened and left her with a shocked expression. 

She's in the Blue forest.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now