Words Unsaid Pt. 2

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A/n: I know, I know, I haven't posted in a WHILE! I hope that I'll start posting once a week again, but I'm sticking to this One Shot series to make it easier for me. Thanks for being so patient you guys are the best! If you haven't read Words Unsaid Pt 1, I recommend because- well- this is Pt 2 


Show don't tell is how you were taught to describe things when you were doing English at school. So how would you show what you felt right now? How could you describe the ripping feeling you felt in your heart, the yearning for Brad and the need to be alone to mull over the information you'd just received hours earlier.

Your bedroom seemed cold, the off-white walls seemed ghostly pale now. It was the middle of summer and you shuddered as you thought of your husband. It had been one hour and you'd made it from the living room up to your bedroom, and done your teeth. Sitting in silence seemed to be the only option for you now. 

Eight O'clock turned into nine, which rolled over into ten. By now you and Brad were normally snuggled close in bed, just laying there in peace. Brad wasn't much of a physical person, his love language was quality time, but when it came to you and he was tired, he wouldn't let go and you loved that about him. 

The room felt empty without him, your arms grew goose bumps without his touch. For the first time in three hours you ripped your eyes away from your wedding band and out at the still open window. You could see the driveway and the small pistachio trees that you'd planted when you first married Brad. 

'So our children can play in the shade.' Brad said. You looked at him, trying to withhold a laugh. 

'Sweets, pistachio trees take ages to grow. Our grandchildren can play in the shade here.' You chuckled, patting Brad's firm stomach. 

You then remembered that you two then fought that night. You couldn't remember what it was about, but you both agreed that you'd never go to bed mad or upset with one another. Even if you resolved the issue at three in the morning. At least call a truce. And by no means any angry kisses, that's not what love was for. 

You sighed and stood up, finally plucking the courage to go talk to Brad. He was the type to talk things over then and there, but you were the type to need space to gather your thoughts or you'd blister up and bring up things he did when you two were dumb teenagers, only making the situation worse. You also had designated angry spaces. When you were mad, you had the bedroom, and when he was mad, he had the study. Both of you had every right to refuse the other's entrance to said angry spaces when you didn't want to talk.

You closed the blinds before walking over to the door. You stood there for a moment, squeezing your eyes shut before opening the door. Brad stood before you, hand where the door handle was. His eyes were swollen, lips puffy. He sniffled as the words Bradley crying flew through your mind. 

'Y/n, I'm so sorry.' Brad whispered. You bit your lip, another thing you learned about him was that he didn't just throw around apologies. When he said them, he meant them. Unless he bumps into an inanimate object, in which case he would apologise.

You stepped out of the doorway and gestured for him to enter. Brad slowly walked over to the bed and sat on it. You heard it creak under his weight. Silently, you walked over and sat about a meter away, facing him. Words flew through your head that you wanted to say aloud. Betrayal. Hurt. Unloved. Shitty. Why?

'Why didn't you tell me, Brad?' You asked, your voice sounded stronger than you felt.

Brad sat there for a moment, never breaking eye contact with you before breaking the silence. 'I didn't want you to worry about me.'

'Worry about you?' You scoffed. 'Bradley, I'm going to worry about you when you go grocery shopping. Let alone when you go to your job.'

'I know how you feel about me flying and missions. You were a wreck when I crashed when we just had Nicky, I didn't want you to worry even more about me almost dying.' Brad tried to rationalise. 

That was true. Around six weeks after Nicky was born, Brad was called to do a mission in Hawaii, where he crashed an f-16 going while pulling 7.5 G's, you were crazy upset at the thought of loosing Brad.

'That doesn't mean I don't want to hear about you almost dying.' You sighed. Your heart felt like a papercut in lemon juice, it stung like hell. You stayed in silence, pushing away the lump in your throat that had appeared. 'I'm just disappointed, Bradley.' You hated those words leaving your mouth as much as it hurt Brad to hear them. 'I've known you for fifteen years and you've never done something like this. It... it hurts. It broke my trust.'

Brad just sat there. Just by looking at him you could tell how hurt he was as well. How heartbroken he was for you, the way his brows rose ever so slightly and nose flaring. Brad looked like a kicked puppy.

'I really am sorry, Y/n. If I could go back now knowing how much I hurt you... I would tell you...' Brad's voice still was soft and chocked full of emotion. 

You knew how sincere Brad was being. His whole demeanour was open from the way his shoulders were open to his palms facing up. He was telling the truth. You sighed as you let tears roll from your cheeks and your lip shudder.

'I'd still react the same,' You gestured to yourself, 'if you'd told me when you came home.' Meaning you'd still be shaking from fear and crying. 'But I'd trust you more.'

Brad nodded. He gingerly lent forward, lingering a few inches away from you before giving you a soft kiss on the forehead. 'I understand that you don't trust me as much anymore. Just please,' he took your cheeks in his palms, 'know how remorseful I am. Will you please forgive me, my love?'

You rested your forehead on his, tears trickling from both your eyes. 'Always.' You whispered. 'Please, just don't do that again, Bradley.'

'I promise I won't.' Brad shuffled closer to you, and scooped you onto his lap. You sat there for a second before wrapping your arms around his thick neck. You could feel the chain from his dog tags press through your thin shirt and onto your skin. You'd never felt so grateful for the feeling of metal pushing in on your skin.

You buried your tired head on his shoulder. His pulse thumped slowly against your neck. 

'I love you so much.' Brad whispered against your hair.

'I love you too.' You replied, planting a gentle kiss on his skin.

'This is good. What we did was good.' Brad mumbled.

'Hmm?' You hummed, just happy to be back in Brad's arms, the read Brad.

'Yeah, because now I know what it takes to break your trust-'

'Bradley!' You raised your voice a little and slapped him over the arm.

'-to make sure I never do it again.' He continued, chuckling at your weak attempt to hurt him.

'You better make sure.' You mumbled. 'I love you, you big Rooster.'

'I love you too, you beautiful woman.'


I hope you guys enjoyed! Feel free to tell me what you think, suggest a one-shot idea and follow for more like this! <3

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