Chapter 19

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Kaeya: Did you meet Dottore?

Aether: Yea a bit ago.

Childe: Don't talk to him.

Ash walks to the table and sits down.

Aether: Ash do you know Dottore?

Ash: Yes, why?

Childe: Don't tell him!

Ash: What is going on?

Diluc: Aether met Dottore a but ago.

Ash: Ah, noted.

Kaeya: Childe, you have to tell him.

Childe: Nope, that is out of the question.

Aether leans over to Ash.

Aether: *whispers* Can you tell me about him later?

Ash:*whispers* Sure

They continue eating and the bell rings. They walk to their respective classes and Aether is picked up by Ash after school. They walk to the library so that they can do a project. They sit down at a table.

Aether: What subject are you doing?

Ash: Myths.

Aether: Ah okay.

Ash gets up and looks for some books while Aether pulls out a pist of what he needs to research on. Ash returns with his books and Aether gets up and gets his books.

Ash is called into the office. He walks to the office and he sees Lance.

Ash: Is something wrong?

Headmistress: I want you to find Aether and bring him here.

Ash: That is out of the f*cking question.

Headmistress: Ash I know that you want to protect him but you can't protect him forever.

Ash: That's for Aether to decide and he asked me to make sure that Lance is away from him.

Headmistress: Ash, I won't ask again.

Ash: Tell me the reason.

Headmistress: That is none of your concern.

Ash: Do you really think that Aether will agree to be in a room with him?

Headmistress: I want them to get along.

Ash: No wonder grandpa left you.

Headmistress: We don't talk about that man!

Ash: Why?

Ash: Because you know he's right?

Ash: You can never and I mean never understand the trauma anyone went through.

Ash: You lived a happy life so you don't understand trauma so no I'm not letting you trigger Aether's trauma.

Ash walks out of the office and the headmistress motions to Lance to leave the office.

Ash gets to the dorm and he goes into his room. Aether is on his side of the bed reading and he looks up.

Aether: You okay?

Ash: I'm fine.

Ash lays down on his side of the bed and he places his arm over his eyes.

Aether: Is it something to do about me?


Ash's grandma never dealt with trauma or people with trauma so when she met one, she acted the same as normal and she said something that triggered some trauma to appear. His grandparents argued about how she acted and they got divorced because of her lack of understanding trauma. The grandfather told her to learn about trauma but she refused to do so.

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