"I'll leave after this." Tomoe suggested, drinking some of his water.

"Oh, already?" Jun glanced at him, maybe he had misunderstood how close they were by asking that. Not an immediate regret but he questioned it.

Hiyori glanced back, "You're tired too, no? I shouldn't have taken your bed right away. Plus, you made food!"

"You said you didn't want to go back home though." Jun adjusted his position to more properly face him."

"Don't be so selfless," Tomoe shooed his worried look away, "I'll just go to the dorm, my roommates are probably out and about anyway." 

"Why not just stay here? We can order food and you can just sleepover. We'll even buy a couch together if you want." Jun laughed.

Hiyori stared at him. He felt so cared for. "Why're you so persistent?" He smiled.

"Ah, well." Jun paused to think. Maybe he had picked up on Natsume's habits, "I kind of told Natsume about this a while ago, but this dorm just feels way too big when I'm alone. Maybe it's because I grew up with a lot of family. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

But you didn't. You made me feel cherished.

"No, it's not that." Hiyori sighed, "I was just worried I was being a burden." He flushed at his stupid past thoughts, looking back on them.

"Nonsense!" Jun ruffled Hiyori's hair, "Oh. I also have a habit of doing that. You don't mind, right?" He reflected, but kept his hand still on the boy's head.

Tomoe laughed, placing his hand around Jun's wrist, "I don't mind." He dragged their hands down.

Jun gawked at the sight, which caused Hiyori to let out a genuine laugh. Somehow, they were both having so much fun, even though they had barely known each other for a week or two. It felt nice, to be able to instantly click with someone who you really thought you wouldn't, and especially if it's someone who's very different from you. 

Especially for Hiyori. The boy is very open, outgoing, and extroverted if you must. Though, if you really knew him, you'd know that he closes himself off a lot. He seems as the type who can go on about himself for hours, which he can, but he's not. It seems as if he just wants to separate his school life from his personal life, which, isn't bad... mostly... Most people associate him with Eichi and Keito, they're his best friends after-all, but now considers Jun a third addition to the list. Though, does Jun think of him that way as well? 

"Why are you staring at the ground like that?" Jun finally peeked after staring at the laptop screen for a few minutes.

"Oh! I was just lost in thought." Hiyori looked up to meet his eyes.

Sazanami glared down at the ever so slightly shorter boy, "You wanna talk?"

"About?" Hiyori broke eye contact to reach for his glass, barely full.

"Anything." Jun kept looking at him, but he fidgeted with his fingers.

"Okay, let's play 20 questions." Hiyori gave him a mischievous look, though I'm sure he wasn't planning anything.

"Do you like people?" Jun took the initiative.

"That was quick." Hiyori smiled, but paused to understand the question.

"Just, you're always surrounded by them." Jun thought back to every time he saw him in school. He was either hanging out with him, or surrounded by other people.

"Why'd you ask the question if you already know the answer?" Hiyori laughed. He waited from a shrug from the other boy to continue, "Honestly, I'm not a people person." He smiled, "I guess its ironic for me to say, but I don't really like being surrounded by them, like, I enjoy my alone time, but sometimes it's too much. Hm, actually, I've never really thought about this, less how to word it."

'Suddenly, my world changed'حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن