Chapter 1: The Sorting Hat

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Mcgonagall led the children down the long narrow corridors, the first glimpse of Hogwarts they had seen. It was the first time Valeria had ever been to Hogwarts, first year and all, but she had heard many exciting things from her parents. She had always been fascinated by the castle itself, filled with many hidden chambers and tunnels and she couldn't wait to begin exploring.

"This is so boring. I mean, I know we're first years and all but when are we going to get to Quidditch." She heard Alec groan. Valeria rolled her eyes. Leave it to Alec to spoil the mood.

"Alec, can't you at least pretend to be interested? I know your eager to try-out for Quidditch, but need I remind you that first years aren't allowed to try-out. You won't even be in the team this year." she gave him a look of sympathy and annoyance.

"He is interested," said Harry smirking, "interested in play Quidditch".

"Harry," said Valeria giggling. Thought she couldn't help but feel sorry for Alec. He's been talking about being on the Gryffindor Quidditch team since he could talk. That is, if he even got into Gryffindor.

Then again, I guess I'm not going to get to play this year either.

"Look, Val, I'm just excited to do Quidditch, if it weren't for that, I wouldn't be here." Alec gave his usual disapproving look at his sister and strode off to the front of the group. Harry at his heels.

Valeria rolled her eyes. She loved her brothers but at times they can be, well, difficult.

She drifted back to her thoughts of the castle.

Just imagine all the secret chambers and tunnels! As soon as I'm sorted, I'm exploring.

Unfortunately, she was too busy staring up at the ceiling and paintings to notice where she was going. She collided with a boy, toppling over.

"Hey! Watch it!" said a tall boy. He dusted himself off and then glared at Valeria. He was tall for his age, around the same height as Alec who was a mere 5 cm taller than Valeria. He had delicate features and platinum blonde hair.

And the most gorgeous eyes. Did I just think that?! Stop it! Say something! Anything!

She quickly stood up, shaking all thoughts out of her head. "I'm sorry... I guess I wasn't looking where I was going," she said sheepishly.

"Too right you weren't." he said, rather rudely.

"You know, maybe if you weren't standing around in the middle of the room, I wouldn't have bumped into you." Valeria crossed her arms, a look of annoyance on her face.

"How dare you talk to me like that!" he spat. "My father will hear of this!"

Good job, Val. Now he's even madder. Just apologise!

She mentally scolded herself for being so rude. "Look, I'm sorry ok. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my brothers." And before he could utter another word she marched off down the hall after the group leaving the confused boy standing alone.

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