~Chapter 9~

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~Sanjis Pov~

I was making dinner in the kitchen when Chopper came in and asked if I was doing okie. I nodded and asked him if he wanted to make a special request for me to make a dessert, "Hmm" he said, thinking about what to choose, "Maybe a candy apple dessert pie?" I asked him, "Do you mean like candy apples but as a pie?" He nodded, and after I said sure, he started jumping up and down like a little kid, 'I wonder if I have children, if they would do that too' Chopper hugged my leg with a small but happy thank you and ran out of the kitchen and I went back to making dinner.'But who would be the child's other parent?' I thought to myself as I started to space off, ' If Robin and I had kids, they'd probably be sweet and kind like Robin, and tough and strong like myself'. 'And if Nami and I had kids, I bet they would take after her and become a great navigator. Maybe even have her great sense of direction, unlike if Zoro and I had kids-' I stopped in mid way in
? And me? Having kids? No way! He doesn't even like me in that way, let alone as friends!" I didn't realize I started talking out loud, then I felt something drip down my cheeks. I wiped my cheek and realized I was....crying? "Am I...... crying?" When I realized I started crying, I quickly wiped my face off and got back to making dinner.

~After dinner was done~

I finished dinner, and I called everyone to come in and eat. Everyone came in except Zoro, "Hey, where's Zoro?" I asked everyone. Jinbe started to talk, "He said he was gonna go shower since he just worked out. But that was about 25 to 30 minutes ago, meaning he should be done soon. But he told me he wasn't gonna eat tonight anyway. " I was confused. 1. Zoro rarely showers after working out, and 2. He doesn't just skip a meal, especially dinner. He also didn't have lunch, so he is definitely hungry right now. I walked up to the food and made 2 plates, 1 for me and the other for him. 'I'll just eat out on the deck tonight' (for Sanjis safety, the crew got back on the sunny). Right before I walked out the kitchen door, I told everyone that Chopper requested a dessert tonight, and it was in the oven to stay warm. I headed towards Zoro's room. When I got to his door, I remembered what the girls said the night before....

~ Start of Flashback~

"Do you like Zoro?" I was shocked. Why did she ask me that? "Do I like Zoro?" I repeated her question to make sure that's what she meant to say, and she nodded. I looked at Robin, who also nodded as if to ask me the same thing. I looked away, "Why would I like him? He a jerk to me!" Tears started to form in the corners of my eyes, I bawled my fist up, "and it's wrong for me as a man to like another man like that!" I said with a shaky voice. Growing up, I was taught by my father that liking another man was wrong. The only one who tried to tell me it wasn't was my sister. Nami put a hand on my shoulder, "Sanji, it's okie to like the same gender." I turned back to them. Robin smiled, "Sanji there's nothing wrong with that, okie? You have nothing to worry about." Robin wiped my face as a tear slid down my cheek.

~End of Flashback~

While I was thinking about what happened, I hadn't realized Zoro's door was open. He was standing in the doorway, "What are you doing, cook?" I stepped back in surprise and almost dropped the plates. He quickly took the plates before I could drop them, "I-I uhm." 'Why can't I speak!?' Zoro went back into his room with both the plates, "Zoro, I was just bringing you-" Zoro pulled me in and told me to sit down. He set the plates down on a little table and then sat on his bed. He patted the spot next to him on the bed, 'Does he want me to sit with him?' I sat down next to him. I looked down at my hands, which were stationed in my lap. "I heard what you said in the kitchen earlier." I was confused, 'what does he mean by earlier in the-' That's when I realized he meant what I said about him. I looked at him, and I was met with his eyes looking into mine. He took my hand and pulled me into a hug. It felt... nice and comforting. Zoro put a hand on my back and rubbed it, "Sanji" I pulled out of the hug and looked at him. As soon as my eyes made contact with his, he kissed me. 'HE. JUST. KISSED. ME.' Zoro had just kissed. He pulled away and looked down at his lap, I looked at him speechless, "Sanji, you like me, don't you? And not as friends. You like me more than that." I was taken aback by what he was saying, "Sanji, I think I feel the same. But, I'm not sure. I've never been in love." I placed my hand on his cheek and turned him to face me, "but I want to figure it out with you. If you would be okie with that?" He looked at me with the most sincere and honest look, I knew he meant what he was saying. I smiled, "Zoro, I'd be okie with that." He put a hand on my leg, "I'd also like to help you with... that" he said, pointing at my lap. When I looked down, I immediately became embarrassed. He wasn't just pointing at my lap. He was pointing at my erection! 'Oh god... don't tell me I got one because he kissed me!' My face slowly turned red from embarrassment. "I-i'm sorry, I don't know why that-" I was cut off by him kissing me again. He gently tugged on my hips towards himself, 'Does he want me to get on his lap?' I moved myself to sit on his lap facing him. We hadn't broken the kiss. If anything, he deependled it, he put his hands on my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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