Chapter 73-74

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Chapter 73

After reading Lin Qingqing's plan, Hongjun couldn't close his mouth in surprise. You wrote it in detail."

From the belongings of barren mountains and wasteland to what is suitable for cultivation and how to plant them. Lin Qingqing wrote them one by one. Moreover, she didn't just write. She asked the local farmers and wrote according to their words. Of course, farmers know the most about planting.

I'm afraid that if the barren mountain is used to grow grain, what about trees? Cut it off? Lin Qingqing's plan is not to cut down the trees, but sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. can be used in the empty space between the trees. This does not affect planting, nor does it affect the growth of crops, let alone the trees in barren mountains.

Lin Qingqing smiled and didn't speak.

Hong Jun said, "I'll take a closer look at this plan, and discuss it with Political Commissar Qu at that time."

Lin Qingqing said, "Obey the leader's arrangement."

To write this plan, she hasn't had a good rest for a week, and she has never had such a determination to work. It seems that when I was the anchor for the first time, I worked so hard.

However, because of this plan, she has been neglecting Lu Haici for a long time. Lu Haici is also sensible. Knowing that his mother is busy, he never disturbs his mother. Lin Qingqing thought that she had been free recently and wanted to make some snacks for Lu Haici, otherwise, she would not be over.

Lu Haici is at home now.

"Lu Hai Ci... Lu Hai Ci..." Ji Yang shouted next door, "Lu Hai Ci, we are going to have lunch."

"I know." Lu Haici ran out of the house and answered, and then ran into the house. Lu Haici first carried his small schoolbag, and then carried another cloth bag, which contained a lunch box of three. Now all three people eat at the canteen, and Lu Haici is responsible for bringing the bowl.

Lu Haici brought good things and went to the canteen with Ji Yang at the door.

However, halfway there, they separated. Lu Haici used to go to the Sanlian cooking class canteen, and Ji Yang went to the big canteen with Xu Huijuan.

"Lu Haici, you're here for dinner." Qi Xiao saw Lu Haici. The baby looked a little lonely, but the smile on Lu Haici's face was very bright.

"Hello, uncle. I'll line up and bring rice for my parents." Lu Hai's words lined up in front of the window, and then stood on tiptoe to look at the dishes inside. Unfortunately, he couldn't see clearly even on tiptoe.

Qi Xiao smiled and said, "Come inside and have a look. Choose the dishes first. I'll call you when it's com clock."

"Oh." Lu Hai entered it familiar with the words, "Wow, there is tofu today." He has been eating here for about a long time, and he has also been infected with the speaking habits of some soldiers.

"Fried tofu with cabbage, your mother arranged it. Do you want to eat it? Your mother also taught me how to do it. Outpost.

"What you want." As soon as I heard it was arranged by my mother, Lu Haici must be wanted." I...uncle, what is this?" He pointed to a plate of cucumbers and asked.

"This is shredded cucumber salad, which was also arranged by your mother. After the cucumber is iced, shred it. It's a little sour and delicious. Lu Haici was arranged by my mother, and of course, I still want it.

Both the Lu family can eat in the canteen now. There are two dishes for one person in the canteen, so the stir-fried tofu and cucumbers of Chinese cabbage in Lu Haici are both served.

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