Part 1(meeting for the first time)

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Letitia Wright was a well known actor and had gained more fame ever since her amazing act in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Today after a year the team decided to start filming their 3rd movie (Wakanda Forever: the 2nd). Letitia had just gotten out of her car and was going into the elevator. Today they were going to start filming after a year of planning and outfit fittings. This year the team would be joined by a new actor. They knew this, but they didn't know who the new actor would be.
Letitia: Good morning everyone
Lupita and Danai: Morning Tish
Ryan: Is everyone excited to meet our new co-worker.
Jordan: Yeah I've been really excited to see who she is.
Letitia: How did she do her fittings without us?
Ryan: She did them in her apartment in New York
Everyone: Makes sense
*elevator opens*
The elevator doors opened and inside of that elevator was a beautiful tall girl (as tall as Letitia), light-skinned, brown doe-eyes, pink, glossy lips and a gorgeous curly black hair. She had everyone's jaws dropped to the floor. Letitia and the team walked up to her and smiled.
Ryan: So everyone, this is Anneliese Mayorton. She'll be acting the part of T'ullakan's daughter.
Everyone went up to her and greeted her. Everyone but Letitia. She just stood and admired Anne's beauty.
Anne: Hi Letitia. I'm so happy to be working with you all. I can't wait to start filming.
After a few minutes of staring, Lupita waved her hand in Letitia's face and that was enough to get Letitia out of her world.
Letitia: Hi Anne! I'm really excited to work with you too. It's been a dream of mine. Especially since I saw your awesome film with Jordan.
Anne: Thank you so much.
Ryan: Well I'll show Anne around and then we can start filming in two hours.
Letitia: she's gorgeous. I think I was being too awkward. I hope she doesn't hate me.
They sent the whole day filming, but Letitia and Anne didn't film together at all but Tish told herself to wait a bit longer.

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