"yeah, you're right." he looked back at oikawa, then down to their hands. oikawa noticed and finally let their hands go, "come on, i've been wanting to max out on benching but marcos always leaves because they have to make dinner for their parents, or, iwaizumi is here and they went to work out with him."

"what do you usually put on there?"

"two 45's and a 35 on each side."

"250?! iwaizumi was right, you can bench me." his eyes widened at what he just said.

"oh? you want me to bench you. how cute."

"n-no! of course not." he looked away.

tsuyoi smirked, leading oikawa to go bench. oikawa helped rack the weights. instead of putting 35 they put another 45 on it. they then put their own earbuds in to listen to music.

tsuyoi went under the bar, his eyes seeing the metal as he gripped onto it. he took the bar of the rack, beginning to bench it. it seemed a bit easier than he expected. so, after a few reps, they added more weight. he ended up being able to bench 3 45's and one 25 on each side.

oikawa was very impressed. oikawa felt a lot weaker than tsuyoi, only being able to bench one 45 and one 25 on each side.

but, tsuyoi never belittled him, didn't make fun of him for being weaker. so, they continued to work out together. and the last 20 minutes, all four ran on the treadmill. oikawa's phone died, so tsuyoi let him use his earbuds as he ran without music.

oikawa hated how he felt giddy and happy around the football player, knowing he couldn't have him.

after their workout session, they showered and left. marcos talked to iwaizumi, oikawa talked to tsuyoi. they picked up naību from mai's house, then went home.

iwaizumi didn't stay the night with marcos, so he walked home with oikawa. tsuyoi went into his house, seeing his father pack his things.

he looked up to see tsuyoi close the door.

"you're late."

"i apologize, sir."

"watch the house. i'm leaving again. don't be late again." he walked to tsuyoi, grabbing his face, "understand?"

"yes sir."

yotta let him go, then grabbed his suitcase and left the home.

tsuyoi heated up some leftover food for naību and him. they ate quietly, she rubbed her eyes as she was tired. tsuyoi took her up to his room after they finished eating.

she showered in his bathroom, walking out wearing one of tsuyoi's shirts, it went down to her calves. she crawled in the bed with tsuyoi, curling up to her big brother's side.

she fell asleep easily, but tsuyoi couldn't. after a bit he checked the time on his phone to see it was 3:24am. he sighed.

he called marcos, hoping they would answer. no response, so he called again. and this time, they did answer.

"hello?" they groggily asked, more than likely rubbing their eyes.

tsuyoi slowly got out of naību's hold.

"can you open your window?" tsuyoi asked, "i want to talk."

"give me sec. you woke me up."

"figured. usually i have to call four times before you answer. i'm surprised it was half that."

"i'm always here for you, you know?"

tsuyoi heard marcos's window click, so he opened his. he looked at marcos, "i know." they both then hung up.

tsuyoi grabbed the board marcos pushed out. using it to walk across and get to their room. he helped them pull the board back into their room.

marcos looked at their best friend, still rubbing their eyes.

"i have to make this quick. naību is sleeping in my room."

"why didn't you bring her? it seems like this might take awhile." tsuyoi blinked, marcos laughed slightly getting the board. "be right back." tsuyoi climbed again, grabbing his sister and coming back, holding a book.

"so, what's up?" marcos asked.

"first, i want to show you what oikawa did to my book." he smiled, giving it to marcos. "i want to start on a lighter note. but isn't it cute. i wish i could call him cute."

marcos grabbed the book, flipping through the pages. smiling, "you did say you always wanted someone to make notes in your books."

tsuyoi nodded, feeling giddy. that's what he wanted to say to oikawa, but couldn't. after tsuyoi gushed, his mood went down. marcos watched tsuyoi put naību on their bed.

tsuyoi turned to marcos, sitting on the bed. marcos sat next to him, looking as tsuyoi couldn't make eye contact.

tell them. tell someone.

those words repeating in tsuyoi's mind. so, he did. each word he spoke, his body began to shake. each word he spoke marcos's eyes widened. not believing what they were hearing.

his father... a mob boss? coach sinka working under yotta and being yotta's right hand man, only a football coach to keep an eye on tsuyoi. and so much more. marcos only assumed tsuyoi was exhausted because he rarely slept and did extra practices, now they know why.

they hugged tsuyoi, holding onto him. they brought tsuyoi down on the bed. holding him gently as tsuyoi couldn't contain it anymore. he hated himself, he hated what he was, he hated what his father was.

so, marcos let tsuyoi cry on their shoulder. marcos didn't let go of him as he fell asleep. marcos felt bad for their best friend. they couldn't believe what they heard.

no wonder tsuyoi kept it a secret.


"what did you and marcos talk about?" tasha asked, being pushy.

"i see you don't relent." tsuyoi said, "but nothing. i just wanted to apologize to my best friend and show them what tooru did to my book. he was so cute."

Started With A Prank {oikawa x seme male OC}Where stories live. Discover now