"But then they'll know we're onto them," Jameson spoke. He pointed again to the location of the crime. "They seem to have left quite a mess at the garden cemetery. This district is largely empty, but they'd have known somebody would spot it sooner or later."

"Fortunate that it was so soon my friends," the High Overseer said. He was looking at the map with a grimace on his face. "That area is, I understand, undergoing heavy restoration work. It could have gone unnoticed for days--weeks, even." He shivered, clutching the lapels of his coat. "Let us hope that these acts are being carried out by thieves seeking coin, as you say. Otherwise, I shudder to think their purpose. Some cult of the outsider, perhaps-- though I hesitate to say his name in your company, Emperess-- enacting part of a foul plan. High heresy, indeed."

'Why am I even here?' Jasper thought to himself as Khulan finisher. Moments like this made him feel like nothing but an extra party member no one talks to. Useless. He felt useless.

"Khulan," Corvo spoke. "If you could spare some overseers to help with the city watch, then if anyone notices, they'll assume the Abbey is preparing funeral rites."

"Good idea," Emily looked up. "We can focus our attention on these, the smaller plots." She pointed at more locations. "They're unlikely to hit the Abbey mausoleum or any public tombs, but we should still watch those as well."

Corvo nodded. "Yes, and I'll send my agents out into the city, see if anyone is talking about grave robbers."

"We should reach out to the families of those whose graves have been disturbed." Emily said. "I can write to each, or grant an audience if they are in the city. I can promise them we will find the culprits, and have them punished."

"That may be a little difficult," Jameson said. "I did a little digging myself-- Ah, pardon the pun-- and it seems most of the houses in the New Mercantile District have been empty for years. I believe a small number of the families are still in Dunwall. Some went to Potterstead and Baleton, but I believe most headed up to Arran. The majority were of old Morley stock, so I'm told."

Emily looked up at her Council, noticing Jasper was snickering at Jameson's unintended pun, before being silenced by a quick elbow to the side by Corvo. "Understood, Jameson. Do your best. Thank you gentlemen for your assistance. We need to keep a watchful eye over Dunwall. Even after all these years, parts of the city are still recovering from the rat plague. It can be a slow process, but while we are rebuilding these areas, nothing must interfere. The people need confidence in the Empire, and-- I'm sure you understand-- confidence in me. This crime may seem a minor one, compared to what this city has faced in it's past, but I cannot and will not let it pass."

'Wow.' Jasper thought to himself as the others agreed with her. While Jasper grew up to be a warrior, Emily grew up to be a leader. He could hardly believe this was the same girl he played swords with at the Hounds Pits Pub.
The group followed Emily as she stepped onto the dias. Jameson and Khulan bowed respectfully before walking towards the door. Corvo would probably go to his office and do something before breakfast, which meant...

'Its friends since-rat-plague Time!' Jasper mentally screamed inside. Unlike Emily, he didn't really grow up. Emily clapped her hands three times, echoing throughout the chamber. A few moments later the doors opened before Khulan and Jameson reached them. 'Wonder what she's....'

Jasper turned around just as the doors opened, morning sun shining through. Corvo smirked, Emily smiled, and Jasper was filled with dread. There stood the young noble that somehow, in someway, gained Emily's attention more than Jasper did: Wyman.

'Oh fuck all kinds of duck.' Jasper cursed mentally.


Sorry for the lack of Jasper on screen. I just felt I needed to introduce the problem Dunwall is facing. And b if you can't tell, Jasper doesn't know he's in love with Emily.

Now cannon wise,Wyman is Emily's lover. And most of you voted Wyman to be female.......I don't judge.

Well time for memes.

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