Celine smiled and immediately climbed on his back, "Thank you so much. I don't know what I'll do without you." She stated and leaned her forehead to his back, Cannibal growled and quietly flew towards the two wild dragons lair.

Celine slowly exhaled a sigh as Cannibal landed them on the back of the Dragonmont, although confused Celine dismounted Cannibal and gasped as Cannibal left. A curse escaped her lips as she stood in the dark, calming herself, Celine knew that Cannibal won't let her in any harm and he left for a reason. Celine exhaled another sigh and started to walk, aimlessly, seeing a stick, she grabbed it, tore the hem of her dress and wrapped it around the stick. She let it submerge into a liquid viscous substance, lifting the stick up, her eyes widened when the stick lit up with fire. Following where the fire came from, she met with bright yellow eyes just like Vermax, the dragon donned a mud brown color all over his body, two horns on his head and spikes running from his head to his spine and tail.

Celine froze, the dragon was almost the same size as Cannibal. They continue to stare at each other. Celine remembered how she met Cannibal that made her chuckle and the dragon to slowly approach her.

"Hello." She mumbled, "I'm here to be your friend, I won't hurt you." She added, lifted her hand, never leaving her eyes to the dragon.

The dragon growled, threateningly, and was about to breathe fire when a sheep landed beside her, Celine was startled when Cannibal landed behind her back and growled at the dragon in front of her. Tilting his head to the side, Celine felt that he was hesitant, she gave it a smile and nodded her head.

"It's yours. Go on. Cannibal got this for you." Celine stated, the dragon quickly devoured the sheep, she heaved a sigh and patiently waited for the dragon to finish eating.

When the dragon was done, he looked back at Celine then to Cannibal and back to Celine. Celine chuckled, gone was her fear and was now replaced with fascination towards the dragon.

"I am called Celine and this is my friend, Cannibal. It was nice meeting you. You look so beautiful and strong." Celine stated, Cannibal growled, "Well, Cannibal is still number one in my heart, I admit." She added.

The dragon stared intently at Celine, she heaved a sigh and once again lifted her hand up, "I won't hurt you and came here to be your friend." Celine continued, "Well, I know you know what I'm here for. I'm not here just to be your friend but also to ask for a favor."

"I'm here to ask for your help, in return after this I won't ever bother you again." Celine stated, looking at the dragon, she closed her eyes when the dragon approached her and opened it again when she felt the rough scales on her bare hands.

She was in awe when the dragon approached her and relieved that he didn't burn her alive, "Thank you so much for trusting me. I swear no harm will ever befall you." She mumbled and slowly placed her forehead into the dragon, hearing a soft growl from the dragon while Celine caressed his head feeling the rough scales.

Cannibal was flying together with the dragon and the pair landed on a smoking vent high on the eastern side of the Dragonmont. Celine thanked Cannibal as he left again while the other dragon stayed behind. She rubbed his head and said that she'll be back alive.

The area was silent that you can hear when a pin dropped on the ground. Celine continued to walk in hopes to find the last wild dragon, after a few hours, she heaved a sigh and was about to go back when she stumbled and tripped, her feet caught into something resulting in her falling face first. Celine groaned and slowly lifted her face up only to see eyes staring back at her.

Her jaw dropped, seeing a pale grey-white dragon like the color of morning mist. The dragon was the smallest compared to the two but Celine knew he was forced to be reckoned with, the spikes around his body say it all. The dragon didn't give her a growl instead he ignored Celine and vanished through the thin air as if he didn't want to be disturbed or just, he was just shy.

"Wait." Celine quickly stood up and followed the dragon, she cursed not seeing him, she bowed her head, her chest heaving up and down from chasing the dragon, "I just wanted to ask for your help. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I really really need everyone's help right now. Someone stole something from my mother and no matter how much she denies, war is coming and I can't let anybody be hurt nor die in my watch. I can't afford to lose everyone. Once is enough and I don't know what to do if I witness it again." Celine mumbled, a tear fell down from her cheeks as she remembered her family and surprisingly Aemond.

Celine slowly lifted her head up, feeling a stare, she once met again with the pale grey-white dragon, they stared at each other and Celine felt his sympathy towards hers. Celine smiled and slowly approached him, "If you'll help me, I swear with my life and name that after this I won't ever bother you again." She stated.

The dragon huffed and hissed, Cannibal arrived and threw a bunch of fishes towards the dragon, he growled which returned by the other, Celine stared at the two dragons as if they were talking with each other. The other dragon eventually averted his eyes and looked at Celine and bowed his head. Celine gasped and gave the dragon a smile, a grateful one. She was beyond happy that she successfully managed to ask for their help. Now, the next thing she'll do is visit the other two and propose the plan to Rhaenyra which she hopefully accepts. 

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