Chapter 2

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Satoko shifted a little suppressing excitement to avoid the sword currently held to her neck from doing any harm. Of course she was excited, she was the only person in the world not on Blueprint's crew that knew her name, that was an honour.

She couldn't help but stare into Blueprint's, well, Rika's eyes, she was incredibly pretty, after all. Satoko had almost entirely forgotten the situation she was in, she was completely taken by just staring at Rika, she was incredibly close.
"Hey!" Satoko was snapped out of her daze by Rika yelling at her. "Quit staring!"
Satoko suddenly realised she had a sword to her neck and nerves creeper into her stomach. "S-s-sorry, Rika!"
Rika pressed the sword against Satoko's neck a little harder, making it begin to sting slightly. "In battle," She began in a stern tone. "You call me Blueprint!"
Satoko blinked a couple of times, she was stuck here, pinned against a wall by the sword of her pirate idol, who looks more than angry, with her own sword out of reach. "I-I'm sorry, Blueprint, Ma'am! I-It's only my first day as a pirate!"
Rika raised a brow smirking a little. "That explains a lot, actually."
"Hey! Take that back you-!"
Rika pushed down on the sword a bit. "Ah, who's got a sword against their neck here?"
Satoko chocked a little. "S-sorry!"
Rika stopped pushing on her sword. "Since it's only your first day, I'll let you go." She leaned in and whispered directly in Satoko's ear. "Just know, I will be back to fight you again and I will not have so much mercy..." She pulled back walking away from Satoko and giving her crew members a quick wave of the hand which made them free all of Satoko's crew before they all headed to their own ship.

Satoko was left Sat leaning against the wall as she watched Rika leave, still trying to process what had just happened.
Satoko quickly stood up after realising Rika was now on her own ship and ran to the edge of her ship.
As she peered over the side she made eye contact with Rika who smirked and waved her hand. "Oh, and, Satoko?"
"Yeah?" She called back, almost flustered by Rika addressing her.
"Do you have a pirate name?" Rika called as the ship was leaving.
"Lucifer Yellow!" Satoko yelled back to Rika as she dissappeared from view leaving Satoko staring longingly at the sea ahead of her.



Satoko avoided her crew and went straight to her cabin, she noticed a few worried glances but payed them no mind.
She flopped down onto her bed letting a slight groan escape her lips, what just happened? She really embarrassed herself in front of the person she admired most and had somehow become her rival.
Satoko was perplexed as to how she ended up doing that, she really messed up her first day...

For now, she would sleep, fighting Rika had drained her and she needed rest, it would do her a whole world of good.
Satoko snuggled down into her blankets pulling a teddy bear she had had for a long time close to her and hugging it tight as her mind seemed to focus heavily on Rika.
She was an interesting person, she seemed so smart and cool headed yet it seemed as though she lost her temper pretty easily with Satoko earlier, not as perfect as she seems...
That just made her more perfect in Satoko's mind, her admiration for Blueprint and Rika, who was behind that name only grew.

A realisation suddenly hit Satoko hard, "Oh, shit... It's a crush..."

Satoko stiffly opened her eyes as sunlight entered into her cabin, well nobody had woken her up during the night so nothing catastrophic must have happened.
She rolled off her bed and hit the floor groaning before dragging herself to her feet and quickly getting into some warm clothes to face the sea air.
She exited out onto the deck to find everyone else already there "Oh, Morning, guys!"
"Morning captain! You slept in late." Mion teased grinning at Satoko.
Satoko, in all honesty, didn't care, if there was an issue she would be awoken so what's the problem? "Yeahhh, that duel wore me out... That Blueprint woman sure is impressive."
Rena interjected leaning over Mion hyperactivity "She had you backed into a corner in no time!" Rena looked like she was about to explode "And you seemed to be totally fine with that hau hauuuu!"
Satoko threw a lemon, she always had one on her, at Rena's head. "Shut it!"
"Also!" Keiichi spoke up "I couldn't help but notice she let you get away unscathed, other than that little cut on your neck, what on earth did you talk about with her to make her give you that much mercy? She's famously merciless!"
Satoko shrugged. "I told her that it was my first day as a pirate and she let me go announcing that she would be back to face off with me again."
"Gayyyy!" Mion yelled laughing.
Satoshi, the only voice of reason on the entire ship, spoke up "At any rate, we're glad your okay and Blueprint didn't hurt you."
Satoko nodded. "anything happening up here I should worry about at all?"
Satoko was just itching to get back to her cabin and pull out her laptop to write a little bit, just to try and release her thoughts so they wouldn't be trapped on her mind next time Rika came to duel her.
Everyone announced that things were going smoothly and Satoko gave an approving nod. "Brilliant. I'll be in my chamber."
With that Satoko was on a mission to get to her laptop and write something, anything to release these thoughts of kissing Rika out of her mind, this just wasn't fair, how was she expected to function in a duel while having a major crush on the person she's supposed to fight?

Satoko quickly pulled out her laptop and Satoko on her bed facing away from the door into her room.

She pulled up a word document immediately and got drawn into writing about an imaginary relationship between her and Rika.

She was so engrossed, in fact, that she didn't notice the ship colliding with something, or her cabin door opening, or even a certain someone standing right over her shoulder.
"Blueprint lowered her sword a sparkle gathering in her eyes as she looked upon her formal rival Lucifer Yellow, who had just confessed a deep romantic love for her. Blueprint dropped her sword announcing passionately 'Yellow, my dear! I love you too!' with that, she drew her now lover into a deep and caring ki-"
"Hey, what the fuck are you writing?" came the familiar voice of Rika making Satoko flail and slam her laptop shut.

AN: lmaoooo gay pirate :) Anyway, hope you enjoyed this uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh- this-
See you in the next chapter!

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