"Lord Corlys will sail his ships into Blackwater Bay. He's already sent word to his men."

Corlys held his head high as he nodded. The Velaryon fleet would carry more soldiers used to attack the city. Unsuspecting, as Aegon had no match for it.

"Prince Daemon has already fled Harrenhal and sent a message to the men still loyal to him in the City Watch. They will open the gate for our soldiers on our signal."

Rhaenyra took a breath as she looked at her council around the table. Those who had been loyal from the very beginning.

"Prince Daemon, Princess Naerys, and I will take to the skies with our dragons. The Dragonseeds will be given roles after the capture of the city. They have not had the time to bond thoroughly with their dragons and we cannot risk burning the city in the chaos."

It was a reasonable request. The Targaryens had their whole lives to form connections with their dragons, the Dragonseeds had only months, hardly a year. If they lost control, it would be detrimental.

"When we take the city, there will be prisoners and executions. But there will be those who we spare. Dowager Queen Alicent is one of them. She will not be harmed upon our capture of the city."

Many around the table were confused by the request. The Dowager Queen played a direct part in usurping her. But then, what power did she truly have under her father?

Regardless of the reason, Rhaenyra wasn't questioned. The commanders would tell their men of it, to spare her and her daughter. Helaena hadn't acted as Queen since her son was killed in front of her.

Things would take time to be set in motion. But in two weeks, the Blacks would have King's Landing captured in less than a day. And Naerys would finally be able to see her brothers again when they were called to the capital.


The day the Blacks claimed the capital, the Greens assumed they'd won a victory. They put the entirety of House Strong to death, captured Harrenhal. But they were unaware of what chaos was erupting in King's Landing.

There was fear and there were nerves. Naerys could only wonder what defences the Greens would use, if they'd missed something. If they lost King's Landing, the war would be over.

But she was confident in her family, in what they were able to accomplish. She and Vermithor were a team, they could handle whatever came their way.

Her brothers died for the opportunity. The opportunity to take the Iron Throne back and have their family rule. Naerys wouldn't let it be in vain, wouldn't let any sacrifice be in vain.

They would take King's Landing that day. There was no other choice.

Naerys, Daemon, and Rhaenyra approached the city on dragonback. Above their marching soldiers and the men that were arriving with the Velaryon fleet.

The dragonseeds followed. There were too many of them to stop.

They knew it was coming as soon as the ships were spotted on the horizon. But there were plans for that too.

Maesters trying to send messages from the rookery were arrested. Riders who tried to flee to ask for help were taken too. No one would be coming.

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