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enid sinclair couldnt even begin to describe how her school year at nevermore had been. monsters, murderers, boys, the list goes on. however one good thing did come out of that year, she was able to become close friends with her new roommate wednesday addams. she was a peculiar girl, who had interests in some certainly odd stuff. who would die if she touched any color and had a weird relationship with a hand. however, their opposite personalities were what made them such good friends. they were just like the sun and moon. sure, they did have their arguments but the two had worked it out in the end. enid knows wednesday would not speak so positively about her however.

after the crazy events that had happened she was sad to have to leave for the semester. not only was she sad to be leaving her new friend wednesday, but also being so far away from her new boyfriend ajax. (enid deep down however knew that she would miss wednesday more, but she would never admit it). enid was going to be spending her semester off in san francisco. she invited wednesday to come visit her, but she was quite busy torturing her brother. it also was a bit hard for wednesday to understand how to work her new phone.

when she had free time, and when she wasn't attempting to talk to wednesday, she spent her time talking to ajax. she asked him multiple times for him to come out to visit her and all the fun stuff they could do together. but whenever she asked, ajax always seemed to be busy with something. but enid didn't let this discourage her. she still made sure to hang out with her other friends like yoko.  

it was the last week of 'vacation' until she was able to go back to school. enid was currently in her room. it was decked out in all bright colors. stuffed animals filled a huge part of her bed. pop music always played in the background. 

"i'm so excited to see you soon!" enid excitedly told her boyfriend as she did her makeup for the day. she made sure to pay extra attention to the scars that lined her face. it was something that she had recently become insecure about. so every morning she got up extra early so she could properly care for her scars and then spent forever trying to cover them up.

"yeah, me too" ajax said in a bland tone. enid wished ajax could have his camera turned on while they facetimed, she wasn't the best at picking up tone. especially if she couldn't see the person. 

"we have to make up for all of our lost time! i have an entire list planned out, here let me show you.." enid suddenly stopped doing her makeup and began to search for her journal. 

"no it's fine, i have to go anyway. i'm really busy today." ajax confessed. enid stopped in her tracks. 

"but we barely talked last week?" enid asked him confused. previously she had made multiple attempts in order for them to talk. ajax always took hours on end to reply, and his responses were always short. when enid would ask about it he would just say he was busy with personal stuff. when they were able to facetime it was only for short periods of time. he always left early, but never would tell her the exact reason why.

this confused enid. i mean, she had been trying to be the perfect girlfriend. before it seemed they would talk all the time. enid would stay up so late texting ajax that she would often fall asleep mid texting. they used to facetime at least every couple of days, and they would talk for hours on end. but slowly, he changed. he started to take longer to reply at times and would randomly hang up on her. enid wasn't sure why, but felt as if it had something to do with her. 

"oh ok, do you know the next time you're able to talk?" enid asked him hopeful. 

"i dont know." ajax replied. enid sighed.

"oh ok then, well i hope it's soon!" enid forced  a smile at him through the camera.

"maybe it's best we just talk when school starts" ajax suggested, "i'm like really busy up until school starts."

"well thats fine too! i'm so excited to see you, bye bye ajax!" enid 'happily' waved at the camera and smiled at him. enid didn't even get a goodbye when he hung up. 

enid threw her phone to the ground and slammed herself on her bed. she curled up in a ball as she tried to process everything that happened. enid knew she couldn't communicate this over the phone with him, because it felt as if he didn't care about anything. shit, he didn't even put in enough effort to make time for his girlfriend.

what am i thinking? that isn't like ajax. i guess he is really just super busy.

enid snapped out of her thoughts and put herself back in a happy mood. she knew better than to think badly of ajax. i mean, this was the same ajax that had comforted her after the mess that was the dance. this was the same ajax she would spend so much time with. the one who ran up to her after she fought the hyde. she had stuff to do anyways, no time to mope over boys when she had these humongous scars that needed to be covered.

but enid was excited. excited to be going back to school. her blog was getting dry due to the lack of drama. she didn't want to dissapoint her followers. she was sure wednesday would have morbid stories to tell enid when they reunited. although some of them would be way too graphic for enid to hear. wednesday's odd interests mostly freaked enid out, but she had learned to love that part of wednesday. wednesday's creepy habits made wednesday herself. and thats what enid liked most about wednesday. 

(a/n: hiii! tysm for reading :) i'm SO obsessed with wenclair so i just had to make my own fanfic. i hope you enjoyed the prologue! i plan on updating weekly or biweekly depending on my schedule, so stay tuned for the first chapter <3)

closer when we're far apart ; wenclairNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ