Chapter 2

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I got home before mom got up for the day, I jumped into the shower, quickly cleaned up. I grabbed my towel and wrapped around my body and went out into the bedroom, I threw on some blue jean shorts, a white crop top with some black and white converse. While getting ready for the day, I smelt a mixture of rain and bacon both smells I love, I brushed out my hair, I didnt do anything with makeup today since I was just gonna lay low today and go study with Maddie. I grabbed my favorite necklace, its the one that my dad gave me, it was simple just my name with a diamond heart. Lets do today dad Lets just say that life has been doing alright just been down with dad passing away and stress of school and helping my mom take care of Jake, it has been rough.

I ran the stairs to go see what my mom was up to in the kitchen, Hey mom whats up she jumped a little and then she smiled oh nothing sweetie Im just making some Saturday breakfast for my two babies I smiled and sat down at the table, Mom Im not little anymore we both laughed. Days like this I love theres no worries just us the one thing missing is my dad and of course Jake who must been in his room still. I admire my mom she was short but not too much, she had long red hair like mine which is where I get it from, Im like the exact same person just younger and theres some stuff I have from my dad like my nose and my lips. " I saw you went for a run I looked down you did? I didnt wake you did I? she smiles sadly at me no remember I installed cameras outside, I just saw the notification oh I forgot about those she sits down in front of me " Im glad that you are running again it be good for you, I know Im not dad but maybe one of these days Ill join you I smile at her, it stung that I didnt have dad to do these things with, the day dad died I stopped all of my sports, my training and running in the mornings the pass 2 years Ive been in a hole, for once I think I was wanting more and want myself back.

yeah I think I want to start my training back up again, maybe get back into track and my ice skating, the coaches been dying to have me back she smiled and jumped up " oh that be lovely sweetie, now do me a favor and go get that brother of yours breakfast is ready. I went up the stairs again and went to his room, I knock a few times then opened the door, hey kiddo time for breakfast I seen him drop his toys and got up okay Im coming thanks sissy I smiled and walk back downstairs to the kitchen. Jake finally arrived for breakfast, we stuffed all our faces with pancakes, eggs, bacon and fruit then me and Jake went to the living room to watch some Saturday cartoons , I heard my moms phone go off, that means its work, she never re-married after dad always told us that all she need was me and Jake, I hated when she gets called in on her day off, I barely see her as it is but being a single mother of 2, the nursing job pays for food and bills so I guess its worth it. Eventually Ill get a job of my own so I can help around the house but mom said she wants me to focus on schooling, hey Katie I need you to watch Jake for me today I got called in one of the nurses got sick and cant come in I sighed " yeah Ill just call Maddie and have her come over here so we can study she comes up to Jake kisses his forehead then mine, thank you sweetie Ill see you two at 9 tonight, money is on the counter for dinner love you both so much " love you too mom " love you mommy we waved goodbye then out the door she was.

I grabbed my phone and called Maddie, hello? hey my mom got called in to work so we have to study here she sigh thank god I dont think Ill be able to study here anyways parents fighting again? yeah so fucking annoying like do they know we are home right now. I laugh and so did she Ill be over in 5 minutes sounds good bye we hung up the phone and I went back to watching TV, sissy? I looked down at him yes buddy is maddie coming over? I smiled why yes she is we got some finals to study for he mouth shapes as an O. could we make cookies again like last time, they were so good we will see okay he smiles then jumps back into his toys and watched TV. 5 minutes later Maddie finally shows up, hey buddy we are going to be upstairs to study if you need anything come get me okay okay! we headed upstairs and began our study session.

it took 2 hours to study for all of our finals for school, man it was a god damn headache I hope all of this is worth in the end. okay lets go check on Jake he has been awfully quiet since we been up here agree we got up and headed down the stairs when all we hear is thundering, huh must be getting ready to rain unless its already raining. When we got to the living room where Jake was, he was just curled up on the couch sleeping, must of took a nap while we are studying. hey Jake wake up he just stirred in his sleep but didnt wake up, I went to try again when all of sudden a loud thunder went off along with lightening, it scarred all of us. Thats one way to wake him up, the lightening just kept coming and coming, we went outside. Dumb move. But it was cool though, then just kept pounding harder and harder, we all ran into the house and went under the table. It finally stopped you two stay here they both nodded and then I got up and started looking around everything looked fine, okay you two can come out now, I think everything is alright they both come out from underneath the table. what was that I dont know all I know it was pretty scary I saw that Jake was shaking and looking around everywhere and would not let go of Maddie, Jake are you okay I lowered down to his level looking at him to make sure he was alright, he didnt say anything just nodded his head yes.

My phone rings all of sudden and we all jumped at it, hello oh my sweetie are you and Jake okay? that storm yeah mom we are alright a bit shaken up, do know you what is going on. she sighs in relief " I dont I was just working when all of sudden that went off I was so worried about you guys I smiled we are fine mom we are about to make some lunch, the TV is being weird so I was just gonna play some games then walk Maddie home is that alright? I prefer Maddie to stay with you guys till I found out what is going on, Ill call her dad let him know that she is fine but staying with you guys, please stay inside I have a bad feeling about this okay yeah thats fine mom I love you I gotta go Jake is hungry I could feel her smile through the phone okay love you too sweetheart tell Jake I love him too, Ill be home soon we hung up and I turn my direction to Maddie and Jake. Okay we are going to make lunch and mom said you stay here Maddie she is going to call your dad and let him know but she wants us to stay inside. she nodded her head and went to the kitchen.

After we made lunch, we played a few board games but starting to get real bored, I was about to suggest going to the mall since I had my car when all of sudden the TV turned on. It was very loud so I quickly grabbed the remote and turned it down to a normal level. I never thought to hear about this till now, " I hope everyone can see this in time, There is nothing to be worried. yeah right what are you hiding? whats going on? the lightening storm we all had see was just the beginning oh great another person telling us they are god and here to start an Apocalypse, yeah right we have reports that the storm brought down a virus, a virus that infects us the symptoms are rough coughing, coughing up blood, high fever, blood shot eyes and extreme vomiting, if anyone has these symptoms please report to the hospital right away. No one has to stay indoors I mean is advise to but if you must go outside please wear a face mask at all times and avoid the sick as much as possible. Good day

With that the TV went dark again, my heart was beating really fast, what is going on that we have to wear a face mask we havent used face mask since the year 2020 and I hated that year, look I dont know what is going on but we need to go into town and get some supplies just in case something bad does happen. but we need face masks I looked at her stupidly you realize that my mom is a nurse right? plus we have like millions left from COVID she smiles " oh yeah your mom was a freak with masks. I smile too, the day COVID hit, my mom went crazy with face masks and making sure we had enough food and water due to her not being able to be with us since she was a healthcare worker and didnt want to bring the virus to us. But that didnt matter because me and Jake ended up getting it from school and she came home to help us around the house because that was difficult but now if you get it just like the flu. Oh my gosh do you think this could be another COVID? I roll my eyes lets hope not I like having toilet paper and the freedom to leave the house now hurry we got head out she laughs and then walks off to get her stuff.

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