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Okay, heads up, there's probably gonna be a lot of time skips from now on because I'm running out of ideas and a lot has been going on and I js wanna finish this as fast as I can, so if it's bad, my apologies:)

Time skip

Eren's POV:

Commander Pixis(it showed two mf ways to spell his name so I'm using this one☠️) had saved us from potentially dying. Y/n had explained the whole situation to me as I was still confused. Pixis had also planned on using my titan form to lift the boulder and cover the hole in Wall Rose. I of course agreed.

When commander Pixis excused us, I immediately went to Y/n. I just wanted to be with her right now. I'm not the clingy kind, but I just wanted her. After finally finding her, I see her talking to one of the other scouts. Tch, he's definitely in love with her. The boy scratched the back of his neck before grabbing Y/n's hand and pulling her into a kiss. My blood boiled at the view, but I didn't want to assume anything so I stayed and watched.

Y/n immediately pushed him away after realizing what he was doing. It looked as if she were yelling at him. I couldn't hear much, but I did hear one part. "I have a boyfriend you fucking weirdo! A boyfriend who I love very damn much." She said before flipping him off and walking away. She had every right to say that.
Almost everyone knows that she has a boyfriend. They even knew it was me. Some people just can't keep their mouths quiet, huh? It all turned from someone overhearing a conversation about it, to rumors, then confirmation. Yet this guy still had the audacity to kiss my girlfriend?

I ran back to look for Y/n, again. This time I found her alone. "Y/n?" I say, making her turn around. "Hey Eren." She said smiling at me. She was sitting down near a small river and I joined her. I sat down next to her and stared at her beautiful face. "What?" She asked letting out a small giggle. "You're beautiful." I say, her eyes widening with blush on her cheeks.

"Thank you, Eren." She said with a smile. A smile I loved so much. I put my hand on her cheek and placed my lips on hers, forcing my tongue through causing her to whimper. I broke the kiss letting out a laugh in her actions. "Oh shut up, it's not that funny." She said crossing her arms and pouting. "But it was." I reply, pointing at her lap, asking for consent. She nodded and I put my head down on her lap.

Should I tell her about earlier? Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it. I mean, who would? I stayed quiet for a couple minutes before deciding to sit up and speak, "I saw you talking to that guy earlier." I say looking into her eyes that we're looking up at the sky. "Oh shit- I swear it's not what-" she says before I cut her off. "It's okay, I saw everything." I say grabbing her hand with a smile. "But, did you mean it?" I ask, looking away trying to cover my blushed face.

"Mean what?" She asks, "A boyfriend who I love very damn much." I mimic what she had said earlier. Her face flushed red and she stayed quiet for a bit. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me, I won't be mad at you for it." I say smiling. I let it go and looked up at the stars. "I...I did mean it." She said quietly. I turned to her and felt my face get hot. She really meant it? Her eyes turned glossy and tears eventually made their way out. " Hey hey, why are you crying?" I ask, getting off her lap and sounding panicked as fuck. I didn't want Y/n to be upset.

"I'm sorry I just.. I felt as if it were too early to say that and I guess that's why I was hesitant to tell you about it. I'm sorry, Eren." She said, looking away. "Please don't be sorry. It's okay. You don't have to worry if it's too early, I don't mind if you say it." I say cupping her cheek. A small smile formed on her lips, causing me to smile.

She jumped on me, hugging me. "Ouch, that did fucking hurt." I say sarcastically. "Oh shit, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" She asks getting off of me and frowning. "I was kidding." I say holding in my laughter. She looks away in embarrassment. "Aww, don't worry sweetheart, no need to be embarrassed." Why the fuck did I say that. Her eyes widened and cheeks flushed red. "How cute, calling me names already, huh?" She asks using her pointer finger to make me face her.

She let out a small laugh before getting up and walking towards the water. She dipped her hand in before taking it out and shaking her hand. "Wanna get going? I'm tired as shit." She says playing with her hair, I nodded while standing up. "Gosh, my ass hurts now.." I say. Y/n laughed at my stupid comment, she then grabbed my hand and we ran back to go to sleep.


"Hey um...Eren?" She stopped in front of her room. Humming in response, facing her. "Can you um..." she stopped what she was saying, I saw that she was playing with her fingers. She was nervous. How do I know this? She'd always do that when she was nervous as a kid. Guess she still does, and it's honestly cute.

"What is it?" I ask, holding her hand and tightening my grip on her hand to reassure her it was okay. "Can you...sleep with me tonight?" She asks quietly. To be honest I've been waiting for this moment forever. Not to seem weird or anything. "Of course. I'll sleep with you tonight." I said, smiling. Gosh, I felt like a child going to play. I felt so happy. She smiles back and opens her door and walks in.

She holds the door open for me as I walk inside. She closes the door and walks over to her bed. "You just gonna stand there?" She asks with a laugh. I shake my head before laying on her bed. "I'm gonna change real quick." She says opening the small closet and pulling out a light (f/c) gown. It was silky and honestly looked comfortable. "Are you gonna change?" She asks, taking off her vest, my face flushing red. "I don't really have clothes with me so, I don't think I can." I say looking away to let her change. After a while, she finished dressing and sat down on the bed.

She got up once again and walked out the room without saying a word. I stood up in the bed and waited for her to come back.

When she came back, she came in with a pile of clothes. "Here, you can use this." She says handing it to me. It was a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. A casual one. "It's the only one I could find, sorry." She says sitting down next to me and looking over at me. I smile and grab her hand, "it's okay, sweetheart." I say getting up from the bed and taking off my shirt. "Love the name." She said with a smirk, still looking at me. "Glad you like it." I say with a laugh as I'm putting on the t-shirt. Before I took of my pants she looked away and covered her eyes.

"Alright, I'm done." I say climbing into bed with her. She pulled me closer to her and asked if I felt comfortable. "Of course I do." I said, nuzzling my head into her chest. She pulled the sheets over us and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, Eren," she says before continuing, "I love you." Those three words made my face go warm.

"I love you too, Y/n."

Slay? Well, life is really sucky for me rn. How about you?🥰

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