Do You Want To Touch It? - Aemond

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You nodded. "Aemond.. What brings you here? Is something the matter?" You asked unable to hide the confusion in your face.

He brought his hand up to gently caress your jaw, causing you to grit your teeth a bit. "I saw the way you were looking at me earlier in the day." He said in a sultry tone. You stood tall, as tall as you could compared to him and instinctively bit the inside of your lip. You couldn't deny that you were staring at him. How could you not stare? He was stunning. A work of art. You would stare at him for hours if it were appropriate to do so.

"I apologize for that." You said, your eyes lowering to the floor. "I just had not seen you in such a long time. You've changed quite a bit, my pri- Aemond." Quickly correcting yourself. This garnered a laugh from him. "It is quite alright. I am not sure if you noticed but I couldn't keep my eye off you either."

Of course you noticed but you weren't about to tell him that so you raised a brow at him and cocked your head ever so slightly. "Oh? I did not notice that.." He saw right through you and gripped your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, lifting your face up so that you were making eye contact with him. "I don't believe that for a second." In this moment you felt something for him that was building since you first laid eyes on him earlier that day.

Although this man was practically a stranger, you couldn't help but feel some form of attraction and lust for him. Everything about him made you feel those familiar butterflies in your stomach. The ones that traveled down lower the more turned on you grew.

"You see right through me, Aemond." You said softly, your eyes locked on him as he took his thumb and gently ran it across your bottom lip. "Maybe so... but right now I'd like to see all of you." He whispered, bringing his face close to yours.

There goes those pesky butterflies.

"Oh?" Was all you could spit out but it wouldn't matter as seconds later he pressed his lips against yours. He was slightly forceful yet passionate in his kiss which you reciprocated as much as you could.

When he pulled away you couldn't help but pout, already missing the feeling of his warm lips against yours. "Don't pout, my darling. There will be much more of that in our future." This caught your attention. What was he talking about? Our future? What future? Your mind going wild in seconds.

"I wasn't sure how you'd react." He said before taking a deep breath, grabbing your hand and walking you over to the bed, sitting down and patting the spot next to him for you to sit. You complied, silent and mind spiraling. "The reason you're here... You and I... We are to be wed tomorrow. Both of our parents agreed not to tell you until then but I couldn't let that happen."

It felt as if a dagger had gone through your stomach, this coming as quite the shock. You went through so many emotions in just a few seconds before you accepted your fate. There wasn't anything you could do to change it. It would make things much easier for you if you just went along with the marriage. There was no use in fighting it.

At least there was already some type of connection between you and Aemond. Maybe this would be a good thing.

"I understand how difficult to accept this must be but I wanted to reassure you that I will never push you into anything you don't want to do. We can take this marriage at your own pace." He said as he still held your hand in his.

You honestly had no words at this point so you nodded and looked at Aemond with sad eyes, trying not to tear up. The speed in which you had processed this was enough to send you spiraling but you refused to let that happen. So you did the only thing you could think of doing in that moment to distract yourself. You leaned in and kissed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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