Do You Want To Touch It? - Aemond

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Being highborn had its many advantages in life and one of those was that your ally, the Targaryens would sometimes invite your family to Kings Landing for special events. You weren't quite sure what had brought you here this time but your parents mentioned one of the Targaryen children were to be married. Though it had been nearly a decade since you last visited and the children of King Viserys were no longer children. The moment you stepped out of the carriage that brought you into the courtyard, you noticed the three blond haired young adults standing there to welcome your family.

You were immediately drawn to the one with an eyepatch who you recognized as Aemond Targaryen, standing much taller than the rest. The last time you had seen him he had both of his eyes. You had heard of the accident that caused his injury but yet you were still shocked to see him like that.

As you approached them you noticed how much he had grown and filled out, his features defined and sharp.

Before you had more time to study him, his brother Aegon stepped out and grabbed your hand in his, kissing it with his wet lips. "M'lady. Welcome back to our home. It's been so long since you've been here. My you've matured." You threw on a fake smile and curtsied. You've heard the rumors of the kind of person Aegon was and you wanted nothing to do with him.

You couldn't help but notice the way Aemond stared at you as you said your greetings to the rest of his family. By the time you got to him you could feel your heart beating heavy in your chest. Standing in front of him you realized how tall he was and it intimidated you. You held your hand out for him to take and when he did he wiped it with his thumb, almost as if he was wiping away the remnants of his brothers lips, before he lowered his head and pressed his soft lips against your cool skin. The warmth of his lips sending shivers down your spine.

"As beautiful as the last time I saw you." He said in a whisper as he pulled his head back. By gods if you could you would've just melted right then and there. The sound of his voice was music to your ears. Did he really remember you after all these years? You wondered. "As are you, my prince." You said matching his whisper. A faint smirk on the both of your faces, knowing you just called him beautiful.

Before anything more could be said, your moment was interrupted by Queen Alicent clearing her voice before speaking. "We thank you and your family for coming on such short notice. I am sure you've had a long trip so please let our men show you to your chambers. You'll need your rest as the festivities begin on the morrow."


You got settled in your chambers, separate from your parents. The sun was setting and the sky shone a beautiful orange, lighting up the room in the most perfect of ways. You spent some time walking around, toying with the different pieces of furniture and decorations when you heard a knock at the door. "Coming!" You shouted. Only in your nightgown, you quickly reached for a robe that was sitting neatly folded on your bed before you approached the door.

You awkwardly opened the door, crossing your robe over your body only to be met with the presence of Aemond Targaryen. "Oh, my prince." You said with a half curtsy. "I'm sorry for my appearance. If I had known you were coming I would have dressed up."

He stared at you with his piercing blue eye for a moment before speaking, a cheeky grin on his face. "No need for apologies m'lady. May I come in?" He asked, still standing outside your chambers. Your eyes fluttering in confusion, you nodded, "I apologize for my rudeness, yes of course. Come in." You said stepping back to let him in. Closing the door behind him you watched as he walked past you. You couldn't help but take notice of his form.

"So what brings you to my chambers at this time, my prince?" You questioned, feeling a little out of line in your questioning of him. "Please, call me Aemond." He said as he turned to face you, taking a few steps closer. You inhaled deeply, feeling small as he now stood merely inches away.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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