Secret Service- Miketsukami X Reader

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In the miketsukami one shots, just pretend that Ririchiyo never existed, cause I can't imagine him with anyone except for her TTATT.

"(LName)-sama, Good Morning." Your Secret Service agent greets you, kneeling down at your condo door,

"Good morning. Miketsukami." You beckon him to stand.

"(LName)-sama, what would you like this morning?" He asks, tilting his head slightly.

"What's the menu?" You ask.

"Today you have a choice of either French Toast or Pancakes" he says while guiding you to the elevator.

"I guess I'll have pancakes then." You reply, pressing 'G' on the elevator wall.


"Remember to get maple syrup, cream and strawberries." You remind Miketsukami.

"Yes (LName)-sama." Miketsukami bows then makes his way to the counter.

"(LNaaaaaameee)-chaaaaan~ you look so cute in your school uniform~ MANIAC!" a particular voice runs to you

"Good morning Yukinokouji-san" you stand and bow.

"Ohoyou, (NickName)-chan, do you want some pocky?"

"Ohoyou Roromiya-san. And no thank you." You reject the Secret Service agent.

"(LName)-sama, I have brought your breakfast." Miketsukami walks over to you, carrying a plate of pancakes and cream, syrup and strawberries.

"Miketsukami, what are you eating?" you ask your agent, "I'm sorry (LName)-sama, I don't dare to eat in front of you." He explains.

You glare at him. "How am I supposed to know that you eat if you don't do it in front of me Soushi?"

Miketsukami flinches, knowing that whenever you called him Soushi there was trouble. "Yes (LName)-sama, I shall eat some now, please excuse me." He bows and walks towards the so called 'bar' again.

"(LName)-chan is so cute when she's dominant~" Yukinokouji sqeauls.

"I am not dominant." You deny.

"You are in your relationship though~" Yukinokouji winks.

You instantly blush, hearing the word 'relationship'.

"(LName)-chan is so cuteeee~~~ MANIAC!" Yukinokouji's glasses glint with pervetness.

Miketsukami walks back to the group, holding a plate of French Toast.

"Good, at least you're eating." You grab your fork and start eating.

"(LName)-sama." You turn to Miketsukami,

"Wha-" you are cut off by a sensation on your lips.

Miketsukami forces his tongue inside your mouth and you suddenly feel something inside your mouth that wasn't his tongue.

He pulls away and smiles.

You bite it for a bit to realise...


[DISCONTINUED] Inu X Boku SS One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now