(17) The Sweetest Thing

Start from the beginning

"So what are you going to do?" Kyle asked, turning onto his side so that he could look at me.

"I'm going to talk to Craig and try to put a stop to all of this craziness," I replied, not really sure of how I was going to do it. When I was around him I kind of lose my mind.

"I'll help anyway I can," Kyle said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back and then pulled away. The hug didn't feel like they used to and I was afraid that if I stayed like that I might act on my feelings.

"I'm tired," I stated, getting up from the bed. Kyle didn't say anything. He just nodded his head and got up as well. He had a strange look in his eyes, making me want to throw my arms around him and never let go. Instead I searched through my bag for some pajamas and went to go change in the bathroom. I took my time, not wanting to walk in on Kyle while he was changing. When I was sure that he should be done I headed back into the room.

I was right about him being changed but I forgot that him being changed didn't necessarily mean, him being fully dressed. He was sitting on the bed wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. My breath caught in my throat and I had to pretend I was choking so that he didn't notice my reaction.

"Are you ok?" Kyle asked as he jumped off of the bed and ran over to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, trying not to look at him.

"I'll get you some water," he said, walking over to the bathroom. I got into bed while he did this and watched as he returned with a glass full of water. He handed it to me and then walked around and got into bed next to me. I took a few sips of the cold water hoping it would help me relax. It helped a bit but not much.

I laid down, turning my back to Kyle, hoping that he would just think I am tired. I really didn't want him to notice how I was reacting to him. I don't think he will judge me or dump me as a friend but it would put a hell of a lot of pressure on our relationship and I didn't want that. He is the only person I have that I trust completely.

I'm not sure what he thought but he didn't say anything. I just laid like that thinking about everything that has happened and what I was going to do to fix things. I was really tired but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't fall asleep. It was after one in the morning when I decided to get some fresh air. I had on pajama pants and a tank top so I slipped one of Kyle's t shirts on over it and sneaked out. I wasn't planning on going far so I just made my way down the hall and the stairs. It leads straight into the little lobby area in the entrance and I decided that I would just sit there for a while and look through some of the magazines.

I barely sat down when the motel door flew open releasing a cold breeze and a flustered looking Sophia. She didn't see me so I slipped down on the couch, hiding behind the back piece but keeping her in sight. I was expecting to see Aiden walk in at any moment but instead Craig came walking in. I had to press my hand over my mouth to stop the groan threatening to escape my throat.

"That was so wild," Sophia giggled as she turned to him. Craig smiled his sexy smile at her and then grabbed a hold of her waist and pulled her closer to him. My insides squirmed with disgust as a sudden urge to throw up came over me. I didn't want to see what was going to happen next but I couldn't get myself to look away.

"Does Olivia ever do that for you?" Sophia asked, teasingly.

"No babe, she's a complete bore," Craig replied, leaning forward and kissing her passionately. It took forever for them to stop making out and head upstairs.

My insides were rumbling at a ridiculous speed and I knew that I had to find a toilet very fast. I jumped up from where I was hiding and ran to the door that said ladies on the opposite side of the room. I slammed the door close behind me and just made it to the toilet before spilling my guts. When I was done I quickly washed my face and made my way back upstairs, hoping that Craig and Sophia were back in their rooms. I really didn't feel like confronting them right now.

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