Chapter one- the same thing all over again

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Another day... Another mission outside the safety of the four walls that Koushi and his group called home.

"Alright everyone, you all know the rules.. if I'm not back by sundown tonight, give someone else my rations, and DO NOT, under ANY circumstances-" Koushi began, but was cut-off by a voice from across the warehouse.

"Do not under any circumstances come looking for you, we know..." echoed Daichis voice, showing how the speech was ingrained in everyone's memory by now.

"but please.. just don't make us want to come looking for you in the first place, be safe ok" the taller man continued, which koushi lowered his head at, before glancing over at the brunette with a seemingly forced smile.

"Ill try my best, it's what I'm good at after all,you know, the whole 'not dying' thing" he replied with a quiet chuckle, hoping the statement would lighten the mood a little,

It didn't

It never did.

Nothing lightened the mood on the foraging days...

"Suga...i umm- i know the rules ok, but please, can't one of us come with you this ti-" started Noya, the smaller man that was currently lounging in one of the torn up chairs in the middle of the large open room, but a sharp stare from koushi shut him up pretty quickly. The rules were in place for a reason, foraging was always done alone,everyone had a job in their group, and this was his, and although he had admitted to himself that getting out of a dangerous situation would be aided by the help of another, he refused to allow it, it wouldn't be worth the extra death.

The space was eerily silent, nobody else dared speak. Kageyama sat in the corner, his face never lifting from the book he held, but clearly wasn't reading anymore, and asahi had instantly removed himself from the situation, busying himself with counting and recording their remaining cans of food that stayed neatly stacked on an old wobbly shelf that tanaka had fashioned out of a park bench a year or so ago.

Without a word exchanged, daichi lifted koushis tool belt and fastened it across the others body

Nothing else needed to be said, it had all been said before. Goodbyes seemed pointless after so long of the same routine.

Koushi Smiled thankfully at daichi, nodding his head and walking towards the metal shutters at the front of the converted warehouse, lifting the bottom of it up and sliding beneath it to the outside world, the sun gleaming down and reflecting off his silver hair. And in one more shake of the metal door, his friends were out of sight.

He took a deep breath, his hand on his pistol as he carefully surveyed the area, which thankfully, at least for now, seemed to be clear. Slipping around the side of the large concrete building, he unhooked an old bike from its lock, kicking rubble from his path, built up from years of erosion from surrounding buildings. He slowly wheeled the bike onto the main road, pulling the bandana he fashioned round his neck up to his face, concealing everything other than his eyes and distinguishable long grey locks. Hiding his identity was a must, the infected may be deadly, but it's the remaining humans that are the cruel ones.

Sitting atop of the old leather saddle, he kicked off the ground, legs pushing and propelling him forward. For the first year, transport like bikes and skates rendered useless, as koushi never ventured far from their safe house, sticking to raiding old supermarkets and trash sites, but as time went on, supplies dwindled. They had stripped their environment dry, nothing remaining other than remnants of split cans and plastic packages, the contents of which they held long gone,

Due to their current area being so barren, koushi had no choice but to stray further and further from these areas that he knew like the back of his hand, to places that were far more dangerous, his group had always stayed on the outskirts of the main city, not wanting to go too far inland as to avoid as many other survivors as possible, their safe house sat near a small grassland, and a couple of supermarkets, but there was little else of value. Safety over convenience they thought, was a worthwhile trade in.

Longer and longer journeys were needed every time he went out, and this was the longest one in. Walking would've been quieter, but the extra time and energy it would take to travel by foot would not be worth the effort. As he cycled down the barren street, koushi peeked at his watch... two hours, at most for travelling, an hour to gather as much as he could carry and another two hours back, back before nightfall...

That was the plan

Little did he know that something... someone would turn this whole, perfect plan on its head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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