Another move from Japan and Speerites join the war

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When Speer along with his family fled from Germany to the US after Göering win the German Civil War, he started writing a book called "Inside the Third Reich", but what was unexpected was that there's 15 Speerites German generals to America and joined Speer. They claimed that Göering leadership to Germany is too dangerous so they defect. To keep things out of the equation, the US ordered Canada to give the German defectors the territory of Ontario and then turn this state into a nation-in-exile.

Inside the Speer Mansion

Currently, Albert Speer is reading his own book, it turns out that his book sells well in the market which makes him a lot of profit and is able to buy a mansion.

(Albert Speer)

Speer: What a good day to rest in the morning, I hope I have many good times to spend with my family

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Speer: What a good day to rest in the morning, I hope I have many good times to spend with my family

And then someone knocked a door and Speer allowed him to get in

Speer: Get in, what do you have?

And that man is a German general, a son of Ferdinand Schörner, Siegmund Schörner

(Generalfeldmarschall Siegmund Schörner)

Siegmund: Herr Speer, the OFN and the GEACPS are make their moves, should we joined them? The Brits and the Frenchies are involved too

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Siegmund: Herr Speer, the OFN and the GEACPS are make their moves, should we joined them? The Brits and the Frenchies are involved too

Speer: Well, we need to reconsider our action, plus, our arsenal of weapons is limited

Siegmund: Oddly enough, all of our arsenal supplies throughout Ontario are all combat-ready, aka many

Speer: Really?

Siegmund: Yes, Herr Speer

Speer: Well, then... *get up from his chair* make me a contact to President JFK. We ready to war now

Siegmund: Alright, I'll do it for you

4 minutes later

By now, Speer was ready with his phone connected directly to the White House

Speer: Hopefully, this will make our move more easy

Then, the phone connected to the phone in the White House, and connected directly to President Kennedy

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