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First Pov

Where am I? 

'I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me... Urgggh... This lid weighs a ton! Try this on for size! Mya-ha!'

What the hell?- F-Fire?! And before I know it the Lid of whatever I was in was removed with blue flames and I look out to see a demon liking cat?..

'Now to grab the goods... What?! You ain't supposed to be awake!'

'A talking... cat?'

The cat took offense to my comment.

'How... How DARE YOU! I am no CAT! I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire! Tch. Whatever. You...human! Just gimme your uniform, and be quick about it! 'Cause if you don't...you're gonna regret it!'

before I could hear the last sentence Grim? said I ran away not wanting to be near anything dangerous for my safety and my child...

before I know it I was in an unknown room that appeared to be a library. Where am I exactly? When I was about to leave the room I see Grim at the door.

'Foolish human! Did you really think you could slip away from ME? Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that—Me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives?'

Before I know it there was some sort of wipe around Grim and an Unknow figure approaching us that looked like to be a man.

'Consider it tough love. Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you're one of this year's new students? My, were you ever eager to make your debut. And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules.'

'As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!'

'Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?'


As the mysterious man and Grim talk? I just stood there looking around until the unknown man started to talk to me.

'Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it. Does the very notion of patience elude you? No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber.'

'I'm sorry but student....?'

'You awakened in a room full of gates, did you not? All of the students here at the campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although typically the students have restraint enough to wait until I open them before waking up.'

Now I was beyond confused.

'So those coffins are like some sort of... gateways?'

'The design is intended to symbolize a parting with your former world and a rebirth into a new one. But now is not the time for such prattle. You've a student orientation to attend! Go on, now. Make haste.'

Before the man could push me somewhere I moved away from him and looked him dead in the eyes.

'Hold on! First, tell me where the hell I am!'

The man look puzzled by my behavior 

'Hm? Have you not fully regained consciousness? The time-space teleportation must have addled your memories... Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my magnanimity is boundless.'

Feeling confused and helpless agreed to his offer and walked with him.

'*Ahem* This is Night Raven College. It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic. It is the most prestigious academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland. And I am Dire Crowley. Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as headmage.'

Hold on did he just say magic?!

'Magic you say, Mr Crowley?'

'Yes. Only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college. Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those "gates," which can appear anywhere. A black carriage bearing one such gate should have come to meet you.'

'I'm sorry but what black carriage? the last thing I remember is being pulled here by my mirror in my own home! there was no carriage.'

Crowley looked puzzled by my statement.

'That's strange in all my 100 years as Headmage that has never happened before. strange. However, you were brought here by the mirror therefore, let us attend to your orientation.'

To be continued...

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