A siren went off, but it wasn't just any siren, it was the siren of an annual event which could only mean one thing.

"The Extermination." Blitzø said softly

"Attention Everyone, this is the Robotic Fizzarolli speaking, all demons within Loo Loo Land report to the safety! I repeat, report to the safety tent."RoboFizz announced

Blitzø got to the safety tent where he saw Horvitz & Wally.

"Shit, I can't believe today's the day of this fucking extermination." Horvitz said

"Talk about, I say, I say, talk about bad timing." Wally said

"Marshal." Martha called

"Marshal, where are ya, boy?" Ralphie called out

"What's the matter?" Horvitz asked

"We can't find my brother." Ralfina said "Where is he?"

"Shit, he must be still out there." Horvitz panicked

"I'll go get him." Ralphie said as he was about to leave

"No, I say, no, you can't go back out there." Wally stopped

"Why the hell not?" Ralphie asked

"Because the Extermination is about to start in seconds & if you go back out there you'll die." Wally said

"Oh my god, No, my baby!" Martha said as she began to cry

"Marshal!" Ralfina cried as she hugged her father as he picked her up in his arms & hugged her & Martha in comfort

Blitzø stared at them, even though they were his enemies he couldn't help but feel bad for them, he looked at the exit then looked back at them. He thought hard on what to do & had a choice to make, then he narrowed his eyes & ran out the exit

"Blitzø! What the fuck are you doing!?" Horvitz shouted as everyone saw him run out "What are you, crazy!?"

"Cleansing will begin in 3." A feminine voice announced

"Blitzø, come back, I say, come back!" Wally called out from the safety tent


"Marshal!" Blitzø called out as he ran around to look for Marshal


Blitzølookedup & saw a big flock of Exterminators coming towards Loo Loo Land, he ducked & went out of their sight for a moment until.

"Help!" A voice cried

Blitzø looked & saw Marshal on the ground with an Exterminator holding its spear.

"Please, don't hurt me!" Marshal whimpered as the Exterminator was about to strike


The Exterminator was impaled by Blitzø with the dagger he received from Striker

"Mr. Blitzø." Marshal said

"Come on, kid, we gotta get to the safety tent." Blitzø said as he picked him up in his arms

Blitzø ran while ducking the Exterminator & dodging their spear that were thrown at him, when they found the safety tent

"Blitzø, throw him to me!" Horvitz said

Blitzø threw Marshal & Horvitz caught him

"My Baby!" Martha cried as she hugged her son

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