Drama Script

Depuis le début

The Muscle:

(Watches the scientist pace the floor, muttering nervously)

What's with him?

The Leader:

He just found out his wife is in labor.

The Scientist:

I can't think, I can't think! I am seriously stressing here! Think calm thoughts, think calm thoughts ...

The Wildcard:

Ahh, the beauty of childbirth, with all its mysteries and wonders. All of its twists and turns and unexpected horrors. I remember the day my first child was born! Something in my ex-wife's labor had gone wrong and they had to strap her down to the bed and cut her insides open!

The Scientist:

Are you trying to FREAK ME OUT?!

The Muscle:

(Slaps the scientist across the face hard, before grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and shaking him.)

You need to get it together, man! Your wife and unborn kid need you to get to them, preferably outside a body bag! If we leave now, the enemies will use these highly destructive explosives on our base — which last time I checked, included your family!

The Leader:

(Sympathetic yet stern.)

We're really sorry you are put in this situation, but we need you right now. We can't figure out how to override the enemies' system without your brains.

The Scientist:


Ok, ok, ok ... you're right, I'm sorry. I need to get my head screwed on straight.

(He squeezed his eyes and rubbed his temples tiredly.)

The Wildcard:

(Throws his arm around his friend.)

It's ok, dude! It is your first child after all. Labor usually lasts hours anyway, so we'll finish this mission up quick so you can get back to your babe, cool?

The Scientist:

(Weary smile pulling at the corner of his lips.)



(Two hours later, the mission is complete and the team is waiting outside the hospital room where the scientist's wife is delivering the baby.)

The Nurse:

(Smiling and pulling off the gloves.)

Alright, you can go in no—

The entire team surges into the room.

The Scientist:

Honey, are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Do you need me to get you anything?! I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you, I—

The Wildcard:

(Shoves the scientist away in an undignified manner before excitedly crowding the scientist's wife.)

Aww, let me see! Let me see my honorary niece!

(He eagerly but gently scoops the baby from the wife's grateful arms and cooes at the girl.)

Aww, look! She's almost as cute as me! I promise, I'll be the best fun uncle you'll ever have!

The Muscle:

(Gently takes the baby from his grasp and holds her tenderly.)

She certainly is beautiful. I promise, someday I'm going to teach you how to kick ass and be brave just like your badass aunt.

(Passes the baby to the leader.)

The Leader:

(Awkwardly holds her.)

She looks healthy too. Uh— I promise that I'll be with you every step of the way. One day, you're going to be a great leader, and meet people who will drive you crazy. But soon enough, they'll become the family you'll die for.

He looks up to see the blinding grins from his family, then turns to hand the baby girl to her father.

The Scientist:

(Speechless and teary-eyed. He stares at his daughter like she's the answer to everything yet the biggest mystery in the universe.)

I ... I promise that I'll love you to the end of time. Every mission I go on will be so that you can have a better world and everything I do will be for you to live a life of freedom. You're going to be as beautiful as your mother, as confident and fun as your uncles, as tough as your aunt, and as smart as your father.

You're going to be as amazing as you can be, and we're going to be proud of you no matter what you accomplish.

Memoirs of old writing daysOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant