Hawk: Well, yeah. But... look, I know some of these guys and they're-- 

Kreese: Natural Athletes. Which is exactly what's been missing in our dojo. *Looks to the class* Everyone fall in.

Hawk bowed and joined the others and Kreese looked towards the new recruits

Kreese: Joining Cobra Kai is a privilege. It's not a gift. Why is why our recruits must earned their position in this dojo. Prepare yourselves for Combat, only the strong will survive.

Hawk looked behind him and towards Kyler who's lit up recognizing him and Hawk looked back to the front while Kyler smirked at him.


Johnny pulled the rope while Jack sighed hating this idea as he looked down saw his lower half in the babyholder and sighed again annoyed that his father put him inside this thing what's worse is that Miguel was here

Johnny: You ready?

Jack: I hate this. This is ridiculous.

Miguel: You kept saying that when we forced you into the holder

Jack: How about you shut the fuck up? *Looks at Johnny* What's he doing here again?

Johnny: He's my student and this was supposed to be training time with him, but I chose to help you instead

Jack nodded and gestured towards the beer bottle and Johnny handed him the beer and he took a gulp from it and shook his head

Jack: But seriously don't I look like a giant baby to you guys?!

MIguel: The way you are whining and walking you might as well be a baby.

He looked behind him and glared at Miguel

Jack: What'd you say, Diaz? Hmm?

Miguel: Oh, uh, uh...

Jack: That's what I thought. *Looks back at Johnny* And isn't there a more badass way we could do this?

Johnny: You think tapping your foot at a concert makes you ready for badass training? Your legs are still pussies! Now, you ready to stand?

Jack: Yes.

Johnny: One. Two. Three... Go!

He released the rope and Jack fell to the ground while Miguel laughed quietly

Johnny: All right. Better fall that time. Let's take five.

Jack crawled to the coffee table and leant on it looking at the laptop and Miguel did the same except he was sitting on the couch

Miguel: You know, uh, mom's been talking about you a lot recently. There's nothing going on between you two, right?

Jack: *Chuckles* You writing a novel?

Johnny: No, it's a Facebook message.

Miguel: That?  To who?

Lone Wolf of Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now