5 2 2

Song: Friends by BTS

" The project will be conducted immediately.I  have  chosen the person to head the project. Jason will be in charge of it and will be assisted by Jasper." The chairman declared.

Jason bowed slightly while Jasper glared at him. The meeting ended and Jason accompanied the chairman out closely followed by Jasper.

" Seriously dad? You gave the project to him? I worked hard to get that project" Jasper complained walking closely near the chairman.

" So did your brother,besides I asked you to support him didn't I? " The chairman asked.

He was an old man but clearly not a weakling. He had a cold demeanor that made people obey his every word.

" Am grateful for the chance to prove myself father" Jason said.

" Of course you are...... favourite son" Jasper grumbled.

" Jasper griffo! How many times must I tell you that this is not based on favouritism " Mr griffo shouted , turning to face Jasper.

Jasper eyed both of them and walked back into the company.

" You should have a rest at home dad, Jasper is just upset" Jason said opening the car door for his father.

" Upset? That is what you say. Stop being so soft.you are a man. I don't know how I gave birth to weaklings." Me griffo said.he coughed slightly as he leaned into the seat.

Jason watched the car drive away and he sighed.

He adjusted his tie and made his way back into the company.

He packed his briefcase and made for the door but stopped short.

" You look tense" a sweetly sick voice called out.

" Should I help with that " she asked .

She was running her hand slowly around his chest now , making small circles in her wake .

Sarah Otto.

His fiancee.

" No thanks. If I want to release pressure I know where to go.i won't want to do that to a fiancee I caught fucking my brother's dick." He called out , pushing her hands off him.

He headed to his sleek car , banging the door as he entered it.

As much as he hated it, she was right. He did need to release pressure.

He headed towards the most known spit for horny men and rich business tycoons who found cheating on their wives pleasant.

Wang brothel.


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April tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness in the sack.

She was being kidnapped.she knew that.

It was as obvious as day to her now.

She found herself wishing she had stayed home.
Even if her father molested her it was far better than being kidnapped.

No! She chided herself.

She would not have any regrets.

Besides who said her animal of a father may not sell her off for some wine?

She was going to be okay.somehow she knew it.

The truck stopped moving and she felt the sack being lifted like she did not weigh a thing.

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