1: Wednesday Addams

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(brooke pov)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

I hit the clock to shut it up.

I sat up in my bed and looked over to my friend and roommate.


She, as her name might suggest, is a siren. And my best friend

"Oh my god you finally awake!" She says walking, well more skipping over to me.

"Did you know that Enid is getting a roommate-"

"Yes Serena, it's all you 2 could talk about."

Serena smiles and walks back to her side of the room.

I get out of bed, grabbed my school clothes and went to the bathroom.

I got changed then Serena and I went down the the courtyard to see our friends.

We find our other friends and go sit down at a table with them.

"I'm so excited to meet Enid's roomie!" Serena calls.

"Same" a girl responded.

Just then we saw Enid talking to a boy, Ajax to be specific.

Enid has liked him for months.

"Omg, look there talking!" Yoko calls looking over to Enid and Ajax.

While the other girls were looking at Enid and Ajax.
I saw a girl standing behind Enid.

The girl was very short.
She had long black hair which was in plats.

She looked dead to be honest.

Enid came over to us.
"Girls, this is my new roomie, Wednesday!"

"...hi..." The girls said looking confused about Wednesday.

"..hello.." she said.

Eventually we all had to go to class.

I had Mrs. Thornhill's class so I headed to the class.

After all of our classes, I was walking back to my dorm when I ran into someone.

Xaiver Thrope, to be precise.

"Brooklyn, hi." He said.

Xaiver and I had dated last term.

But we broke up because I believed he was cheating on me with a siren called Bianca Barclay.

"It's Brooke." I said trying to walk away, but he stepped Infront of me.

"Right, sorry."

"What do you want." I said staring at him.

"I just...I wanna make things right between us." He said.

"Goodbye Xaiver Thrope" I said pushing past him.

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