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dannasan - husband (in a cute way)


finally leaving his house, kazama takes out the phone and looks at the time. he isn't late, of course. that's nothing new for him but what's new is the hesitation to actually set foot in school.

sure, he was great at hiding his inner emotions, but for how long? considering how flirtish shinnosuke is in real life, kazama doesn't know if he would be able to stop himself from thinking about all the dreams he'd had.

shinnosuke on this side was still not ready.

"himawari has been standing at the door since forever, will you ever go to school on time?" misae says shaking her head as she watches her son look at himself for the last time, well, that's what he thought.

"yeah,yeah misae. I get it" I say as he pretends to roll his eyes and walks into the corridor, receiving a slap on the back of his head.

"you dare call me by name one more time and I'll throw away all those comics of yours" she says as she watches him wear the shoes and finally leave.

old habits die hard, don't they?

"I almost got married waiting for you here, oni-san" hima-chan says looking at her brother as he beams a cute smile at her," ah really? that would've been better"

"whatever. you think you'll make a girlfriend this semester?"

"and mom says you're 12, aren't you like, too young to be interested in a 17-year-old's love life?" he picks up one of her braids as she snatches it back, "nope. I'm very much the right age, almost a teenager"

"sure, as if you hadn't been for the past five years" shinnosuke laughs at his stupid little sister. she was in the pre-teenage phase where you think everything will be cool once you're 13. and then life teaches you things.

"you didn't answer my question" she says, "nah I don't think I'll get any girlfriend, maybe a boyfriend?"

she laughs at that,"and why do you think would they be attracted to you?"

shinnosuke looked at her with annoying eyes,"and why wouldn't they? I'm funny, I'm cool, I'm everything you'd want in a dude" he flips his imaginary hairs.

"nope, people like caring and soft guys. not troublemakers like you"

the audacity of this child

shinnosuke thinks to himself, "listen little lady, you're very much hurting my self-esteem right now. if you say talk any further on this topic, I guess mom will have to know about that cute guy from class B-"

"oh, right. here's the chocolate I got for you yesterday. enjoy it and have a nice day, oni-san!" she hands him the chocolate and runs away.

"better" he mumbles and walks at his own, cool dude pace.

kazama gets to the school gate just on time, as always. as he's about the take the step further in, a voice interrupts him.

just the voice he had missed listening to in person over the past weeks that he was avoiding- and just the voice he felt nervous to respond to.

"toru-kun~ did you miss me a lot to get here this early?" shinnosuke makes his way from behind kazama and puts his arm around the slightly shorter one's shoulder, as he's done from forever.

"I'm always early" kazama laughs lightly. he's always said shinnosuke is annoying and will keep on saying that until they're old, but only he knows how much he cherishes his stupid best friend.

little things -  shinchan + kazamaWhere stories live. Discover now