Ch. 2 : A New Body

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{a/n: caution, this one contains some creepy imagery and gore. the spring bonnie model was made by myiggywanna on DeviantArt}

Ch 2 : A New Body

Walking into your house with the grocery bags, you see Springtrap still on your couch. He had a hand over his tummy, cackling.

Curious, you take a look at what's on his TV screen and you see him watching an adult cartoon. A fairly obscene part was playing.

"Enjoying yourself over there, sir?" You asked, amused.

"Oh-you're back, I didn't even notice you walked in." He responded.

"Ouch, my feewings." You put a hand on your forehead melodramatically.

He chuckled again. "To answer your question, yes; They never had things like this on TV when I was alive. THIS is what I call quality entertainment!"

"You make yourself sound so old.." You mentioned, starting to put the groceries away.

Springtrap shrugged, rolling his eyes. "I was 31 when I got stuck in this suit. I only lived for another five years after the murders," he says, before pausing. He goes quiet for a while.

"You, uh, you okay over there?" You ask, still in the kitchen putting groceries away.

"I know I didn't mention it before. I'm really not happy with my decisions."

Although you really wanted to take this chance to crack a joke, you decide to go along with the tone he set. "What do you mean?" You ask, hoping he'll open up some more so you can find the root of the problem.

"The children. I loved them so much, I wished they would stay. That they could be mine, we could live the life together I've always wanted. I know I'm not insane, I never lost control of myself or lost my awareness. I knew what was happening the entire time, and I still did it."

You came back into the room after you were finished. Springtrap had his eyes squeezed shut, you noticed he had his arms wrapped around himself. "I-I..I hate myself. I'll never forgive myself for what I did. I know how awful and selfish I am, especially for wanting a happy life with Deliah even after what happened."

You set down the remaining bag with the sewing supplies inside next to the door leading to the garage. Approaching the large bunny, you realized he's shaking a bit.

Deciding to sit on the couch beside him, you gently set a hand on his shoulder. He looks up at you slowly, and you give a small smile.

"I think things will turn out okay. It's alright to feel like you can't forgive yourself, especially after..everything that's happened in this case. I don't know how long it'll take you, but try and be easy on yourself. There's a kid out there who's counting on you."

He looked away, but his smile soon returned. "Thanks, (y/n). I needed that."

"It's no problem. I'm gonna head out to the garage to start getting your new suit ready. Are you going to be okay on your own?" You ask cautiously.

"I'll be fine. If not I can come bother you whenever." Springtrap stated as his attention went back to the TV.

"Heh, alright. Don't have too much fun." You say as you walk into your garage.

Luckily, you had the 3D printer running all day at work, so it was already working on the hard inner-casting of the suit. All you needed to do was create the outside, the huggable part.

You took out the blocks of foam and began carving.


The sun was already beginning to rise; although you couldn't tell thanks to the lack of windows in the garage.

S&D! Springtrap x Reader Where stories live. Discover now