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"Hi! I'm Elena, I'm 30 from Bondi and if I seem familiar, that might be because of my job," I begin introducing myself, doing this part of the formalities for production preceding the interview with John.

"I am a Bondi Lifeguard and medic, yes I am on Bondi Rescue, and I have a 2 year old daughter, Avia. My dating life is quite pathetic, to put it shortly. My daughter comes before anything, and then my Bondi family and work. Any dates I have gone on, the maturity isn't what I'd hoped or expected, and I'm, I guess, further down the track than they are. Besides working at Bondi, I am what you'd call and entrepreneur. I have investment properties and other various investments and part ownerships in companies that generate a lot of passive income, so I definitely can live comfortably and if I chose to, I'd never really have to work again but I love what I do."

"Can you tell us a bit more about you becoming a single mum?" the producer asks me.

"So I had a partner of about 2 years at the time I got pregnant, and I thought everything was great, until all of a sudden it wasn't," I say, beginning to tear up and feeling one roll down my cheek. "I was about 5 months pregnant when my ex partner came home and pretty much said he didn't love me anymore, and he didn't want me or our child. A couple weeks later, I found out from his mother of all people, as she had only just found out herself, that he had been with another girl on the side, the entirety of our relationship. When my daughter was born, he was not put on the birth certificate as he had terminated parental rights prior to her birth. I still allow his parents to have time with her every so often, because they didn't betray me or know about it, and they deserve to know their grandchild and not be punished for their sons actions, and I want to give her at least one set of grandparents."

With that done, I take a minute to compose myself before John sits down to interview me.

"As we know, you're a mother. Are you wanting more children in the future?" John asks.

"Absolutely, I'd love more, I love being a mother more than anything, even if doing it alone is hard, but I want Avia and any future children to have a father, I don't want them having anything close to the childhood I had, no child deserves that," I tell him.

"What traits are you looking for in a partner?" he asks me.

"Someone fun loving, kind, someone who loves and wants kids, driven, big heart, family oriented. I don't need someone to provide for me, I'm set for life and I can set my daughter up for life too. But at the end of the day, I just want someone to love me and her unconditionally," I smile forlornly.

"You mentioned your childhood, can you tell me about that?" John dives right in, and I slowly nod and mentally prepare myself to answer this.

"My father has never been a part of my life, and my mother looked for love in the wrong places, and eventually it killed her. At a very young age, I had to learn how to look after myself and I promised myself I'd never let myself get to that point and I'd do everything to make sure myself and my future family had the best future possible. I excelled at school, started working and investing young and started companies as a silent business partner, and it all paid off, and I have a job that I love so much, and I don't think I would be who I am and have survived what I did without my boys, they got me through and I will forever be grateful," I tell him, giving him the brief rundown about my parents, not willing to tell anyone about them in explicit detail until I can wholeheartedly trust them.


Today I'm going dress shopping for my wedding dress, and I have a bunch of the boys with me and my little girl. The boys with me are Hoppo, Jesse, Maxi, Chris (aka Bondi Vet), Reidy and Harries, with Avia happily sat in Hoppo's arms, as she calls him papa since he is the closest thing I have to a father.

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