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>>>>>>>>>>These are not my characters (except for Alia) this world is also not mine<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

     The rain pouring down from the sky did not improve Alias's mood. She stomped down the street murdering a strand of curse words under her breath as she tripped and stumbled into people not caring enough to apologize. She had long waist length brown hair and sharp blue eyes. She wore a fierce expression but her face didn't match her mood. She was used to pretending, it was hard at first but it was the only way to survive. She had been stuck in this stupid good-for-nothing version of her world with air pollution and all kinds of dangerous gadgets for years. How she longed for a breath of fresh clean hair from the Lost cities. She hadn't been there in over 10 years, she was banished to the Forbidden cities when she was just 10. A glimmer of light caught her eye, she looked up and all she saw was Big Ben the big and famous London clock. Another glint of light from across the courtyard caught her eye but still nothing.

"What is it?"

She said out loud. Another glint from across the other side of the courtyard and another... she was surrounded!

By what?

Did she walk into a trap?

By who?

     People suddenly started to walk away in various directions. Towards cars and buildings but in an orderly fashion not screaming, no yelling just...walking away from Big Ben, weird. Strange, usually people crowded the landmark and never left until they were shoved out the door. Screaming, yelling, honking of horns, and scratching of tires caught her attention. Alia ran towards the commotion still stumbling, tripping, and running into people. When she was around the corner she froze. Five elves stared each other down as they talked, three on the left and two on the right. The kids on the left weren't much younger than her, two boys and a girl, and on the right were a kid and a middle-aged-looking woman. The kid on the right had black hair with silver tip bangs he wore all black with his hood pulled back. The woman on his right had blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun, she wore a simple red dress with a black cloak.

     The other three kids look like your average everyday elves. The young girl had long hair and the two boys had brown and blonde. From the looks of regret, concern, and hurt the four kids were giving each other Alia assumed they were friends.

   "What are they doing?" She mumbled. The Showdown got more intense when Blondie grabbed her two companions' hands and then levitate into the sky. She looks like she was in deep desperation and when reddish-purple-looking lightning came shooting out of her head Alia stumbled back. The lightning headed straight for the woman and hit her, she fell to the ground driving and twitched in pain, then she fell still, silent, with no screams, no movement she just went limp. Bangs boy looked shocked Alia decided to melt into the Shadows it was safer that way. She watched for a few minutes as they talked and.. yelled? Then bangs boy grabbed the woman and announced,

   "By the way, someone is watching us from there." He pointed right at her levels of panic, desperation, and danger that grew inside of her until she couldn't handle it anymore she screamed. What am I doing why am I screaming, she thought to herself. The blonde and brunette boy started to walk towards her helping the girl as she clumsy stepped. Rage streamed through Alias vain the fear is gone only the thought of how to escape remained. How did he know I was here? She thought unless... he's a shade!

"Hey", the girl said when she got in earshot

"I'm Sophie, and this is Fitz," she said pointing to the boy with brown hair on her left "and this is Keefe." pointing to the guy on her right with blonde hair.

Keeper Of The Lost Cities Fanfiction:  Bronte's Little Sister.Where stories live. Discover now