chapter 2 The Escape

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The people that work there and make sure we don't kill each other are kinda mean some of the kids call them emotionless, because there was a time that a kid was having a emotional break down and they didn't do anything. The kid grew more insane day by day because they would just let him there to die he was eventually sent to another asylum. There is about 3 workers watching us at all times, but they do switch from time to time, were there's a two minute break in between it. Me and Alan plan to use this to our advantage since they don't seem to think we are smart enough to do this. We are planing to start a fight in the activity room so when they do come back in they will go to the fighting to stop it leaving us with enough time to crawl in to the vent and get out.

Though it sounds easy enough it really isn't because with Alan coming with me I risk getting killed when we get out there. He killed his whole family and burned a girl alive when he was 5 why would i feel safe with him? Our plan was about to start. We were sitting at a table drawing when Alan taped me on my shoulder I looked over to see want he wanted " it's time" he said in a smooth voice witch was very weird he sounded so calm. He's never calm he is usually really excited or emotionless, but we started to unsecured the vent anyway then Alan started the fight yelling something about how they all would die soon. We got into the vent that had spider webs and dead things everywhere "yuck!" than we put the vent back on.

We just had to go straight then left and we would be out we crawled fast, but quietly Alan pushed the vent out and slipped outside then I did the same. We ran into the woods and found a tree to rested up against, but thing was off something smelled like it was dieing, and of course Alan being Alan smelled it he walk over but stopped in his tracks. I pushed my self off of the tree and looked, but I wish I didn't there was organs everywhere blood and the worst thing was that the cuts were clean just like what the dog did to mama and papa. I grabbed a butter knife I had in my pocket that I stole from the asylum and whisper in his ear "Alan this looks very similar to how my parents died" I saw he's eyes widen "You don't mean..." he said in a sharp voice I noded my head its him that thing is back!

Alan shook with sickening fear "this is what you saw when your parents were killed" he gulped "Yes, and why are you shaking in fear you killed your whole family?" I said in a confused voice "oh yeah forgot about that" he said with a smile. "Oh my God why are you like this!" I groaned he just kept on smiling. "What are we going to do now?" I asked "get as far as we can from here." He said with a happy-go-lucky voice "well then let's go!" I said in a extremely loud voice "shut up your going to get us caught midnight!" Alan said in a angry voice "oops" I laughed nervously "sorry." Our laughter was cut short when we heard a high pitch scream "it sounds like a girl" Alan said with a curious voice "no crap Sherlock" I said in a giggle.

He looked at me like he wanted to say something, but didn't say anything wise choice I mean just because I didnt kill anyone doesn't mean i cant hurt anyone. We started to go to the spot we heard the scream, but then I started to feel a weird feeling like something was telling me to go back, but it was to late for that now we went through the tall grass and was met to something i wish was dead the big black dog. It's bright red eyes bored through my soul but it was daytime how did it attack someone? were did the scream come from. we soon found the answer to that it had made the scream, it seemed it was trying to make someone follow it so it can kill them at night. I looked over to see what Alan was doing and with no fear he said " that's the thing that killed your parents!" He said surprised "Yes, it is Alan" I put me hand on my face shaking my head.

"The big black dog needs a name!" He said happily "how about nightmare?" He said staring at it "yes perfect!" He said in a childishly voice "did I even get a say in it no! No I dont." He just smiled at me. Directing my attention to Nightmare it was staring at me for a moment before it smiled it's pointed teeth showing from ear to ear. Then it did something I never thought it could do, it talked it said in a very distorted voice "midnight" I was very creep out by this and I guess so was Alan because he grabbed me and ran. "It's never talk before!" I said after we stopped to catch our breath "well now it can! why does it know your name?" He said in a confused but curious voice.

"I don't know it never did that before." "Not even in a dream?" "No" I said confused " I've seen it in a dream before but it never did that!" I sat down on a tree log thinking what we should do now " we should probably find a abandoned house or something like that so we can sleep." I said staring at Alan. "Yeah we probably should when I checked the time back at the asylum it was 2:30am." Alan said in a calm voice "What! We have like 4 hours before nightmare can attempt to attack us! What if we dont find a abandoned house in time!" I said angrily "let's go" I said in a tired growl. As we were walking my mind started to drift off.

It talked it said my name could it do that the whole time or has it been learning how to bring people by using your love ones or friends voices so people come closer so it can rip them apart? How does it know my name? Then it hit me mama screamed my name, and it saw me runing to her that must of been how it knows my name! My thoughts were interrupted by Alan saying he had found a abandoned house i looked over to were he was and saw a desperate house on the verge of collapsing in on its self. We walked in there was four rooms 1 bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a room with no windows in it. We decided to make the room with no windows our room it even had a lock on the door.

There were dead things everywhere Alan picked them up with his bare hands and throw them outside. There was a mattress big enough for me and Alan in the house so we used that to sleep on even though it was disgusting. After some looking around we found a map. luck was really on our side. Julia my old best friend from the asylum told me if I were to ever escape the asylum to go to this one place it was a ranch I looked at the map to see if I could see it and I did! To my surprise it was 10 ish miles away from here the asylum was 40 miles away from it, and we walked like 30 or 28 miles we had to be close!


🔴Sorry I took so long to make this and that it's short🔴

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