Always Watching

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An hour after the incident 5:38 PM

After you got home, you decided you would watch TV to get your mind off of what had happened.
"Why was that guy wearing a devil costume anyway?" You know that it's almost Halloween, but it's only the 29th. There's still 2 days till Halloween, so you don't know what would compell him to dress like that, yet.
Turning your attention back to the TV, you switch the channel from Halloween cooking shows to the News.
"There's a serial killer that has escaped from prison. If you have seen this man or have any information on him, contact the number on the screen."Bob Velseb?" You say aloud. There's a serial killer that eats people, on the loose, in your area. You just moved here, and you have to deal with the fact that there could be a psychopath, eating someone, a block or two away!?
"You've gotta be shitting me." You say. "I decided to watch TV to make myself less worried about my previous encounter, but know I'm even more jumpy than before.
Normally, you would go for a walk outside when troubled, but you probably shouldn't, at least not by yourself. I'll call Lila and see if she can hang sometime later tonight. You get up and walk over to your phone that's sitting on the kitchen counter and pick it up. You then tap a few buttons before dialing Lila and waiting for her to pick up. After a few seconds, you hear a click, then a voice on the other line.
"Hey (Y/N)! What's up?"
"Nothing much, just wanted to ask if you wanted to watch a movie with me at my house? You can bring Skid, he's a good kid so I don't mind!"
"Ok, be there in 10."
"Alright, see you soon!"
"See you soon!" *Click*
You make your way back to your couch and await your friends arrival. Then you realize you need snacks for the movie. You get up from your spot on the couch and walk outside. Hopefully, you won't encounter that strange devil man like before. You start walking across the street to a nearby gas station. You're walking peacefully when you can hear footsteps behind you. You decide to ignore them. They could just be a person trying to get somewhere. Maybe they're headed to the gas station like you? Those thoughts are quickly brushed away as you hear the person's footsteps speed up behind you, getting closer. You start to sprint to the gas station, not looking back, but you can hear the footsteps running even faster behind you. You turn the corner onto the next street and see the gas station up ahead. You pick up the pace a bit and stumble into your long-awaited destination.
"Woah, are you okay?" A voice asks, you turn to see a girl with a worried look on her face. "There was someone chasing me!" She looked at you with a questionable look on her face. "But no one's behind you?" "What?" You say before turning around to see nobody there. They must have left me alone when I got closer to the gas station. "What the hell?" You say aloud, then collect yourself. You buy chocolate covered pretzels and lays chips, and you then place the food inside a plastic bag. You wave an awkward goodbye to the cashier before running back to your house so that person couldn't start following you again. Halfway back, you felt like someone was watching you. You were probably just paranoid. You hope that's the case.
You take the snacks back to your house and see Lila pulling into the driveway. "Hey, Lila." You say. "Hey
(Y/N)! Did you buy something?"Just snacks for the movie. Where's Skid?" He's in the car. He fell asleep. I'll wake him up, though." "Ok." You respond, walking inside.
After the movie, Skid and Lila fell asleep, so you were the only one awake. It's weird, but the feeling of being watched never went away fully. But now, it's worse. You feel very unsafe. Suddenly, you hear a tap at the window. You freeze in place instantly, slowly turning your head towards the sound. What you see makes your heart drop. There's a bloody hand print with a painted red heart on your window, dripping with fresh blood. The person who had been following you was none other than Bob Velseb. And now he knows where you live.

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