chapter two

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"Good morning, sunshine. Happy birthday" Aylee screams in my ear.
"Morning, Ay. Thank you" I say in a sleepy voice.
"It's Sunday, the perfect day for a birthday. Let's get out of here!"
"Yeah, give me five minutes and I'll get up"
"Fine, but don't let me wait too much"
I'm finally in my room alone, I check my phone and I read some birthday messages. Then I text the group chat for my birthday party

Hey guys, the party starts at eight o'clock, don't be late.

I get up and pick a cute outfit for the day, I don't know what Aylee arranged so I'm gonna wear something comfy: A black jumpsuit and a pair of black boots. I get out of my room and Aylee is waiting for me already dressed and with make up on. She's the kind of girl every guy loves: tall, blue eyes, blonde hair and skinny. I've known her since kindergarten, She's like a sister to me. Event though I love her, I've always envied her a little bit. Yes, I'm tall, I have green eyes and brown hair and I like this thing about me, but I'm not that skinny, I'm normal I guess. I look in the bathroom mirror and decide to put some make up on. At 10:25 I'm ready. Me and Aylee are finally heading out of the apartment when she tells me something.
"Rocky, there's something I need to tell you"
"shoot" I say with an indifferent voice
"I'm pregnant"
"Oh my God, Aylee. I'm so happy for you. I'm gonna be an aunt!"
"Oh thank God. I thought you were gonna panic more than me"
"Shut up I'm so happy for you" I say, while crying and I pull her in for an hug.
"I didn't wanna tell you today, cause it's supposed to be your day, but I couldn't keep this from you"
"Don't worry, I'm so freaking happy. When are going to know the sex?"
"In a couple of months, I should give birth July 7th"
"Cancer like Jeremy!" .
"Yeah, I'm happy about that. Hope it's like him!"
We grabbed breakfast at Starbucks and we went shopping for a few hours, now we're gonna get the car and go to my parents' house and have lunch together.
"Hey, birthday girl! Come her!" my dad says when he opens the door.
"Hi daddy" I say giving him an hug.
"Hi Aylee. How are you, honey?" my dad says.
"Hey Sully, I'm good how are you doing?"
"Come on, Mary is waiting for you two in the kitchen"
I walk past my brother who's been sitting on the couch for the past hour, according to my father. I give him a quick hug and go in the kitchen to help my mom.
"Hi mommy"
"Hey girls! Happy birthday Rocky"
"Thank you mom" I say while I hug her.
"Rocky, can you check if the ovens temperature is enough up? Aylee you can make a salad"
After lunch Aylee, Jeremy and I go out together and then we go home so we can change for tonight's party.
"Hey do you think my fit's too much?"
"No, man. You're the birthday girl, remember?"
"Hey, is Sam coming? You two have been skipping too much dinners, is there something going on?"
"We broke up, I didn't wanna tell you because I knew you were gonna overreact"
"What? Why?"
"He cheated on me. But I don't wanna talk about it. I wanna focus on my birthday party"
"Yeah, of course. Let's get going or will be late"
We arrived ten minutes early, it's a strange club but it's my vibe, I like it. The guests are my closest friends: Aylee and Jeremy (obviously), Mark (my brother's best friend), Madison ( we met like ten years ago and we've been friends ever since), Ava (Aylee's sister, she's two years older than me. I've known her my whole life), Noah (the nicest guy I've ever met, he's my best friend) and Danielle (we became friends at tennis practice eight years ago) who's coming with her cousin who I never met because he's from Italy and he's here visiting her.
At 8:30 we start drinking, not a good idea I must say. An hour later I'm definitely drunk and I start finding Danielle's cousin attractive.
"Hey you must be Matteo, I'm Rocky"
"Yes and I know who you are" he says with a funny accent.
"Do you wanna dance? I'm drunk and I've got no one else to dance with"
"Yes, come on" he says laughing. I don't know if he's laughing at me or if he's drunk too and he finds this song funny like I do.
We dance for a bit then I go to the bar to get something stronger because I'm drunk and no one's stopping me.
"What can I get you?" says an attractive voice.
"The strongest drink you can give me"
"Are you drunk?"
"Ok, you're not drinking anymore. Can I interest you in a glasse of water?"
"I wanna drink something strong, give me something strong" I scream. The bartender next to him gives me what I asked for and I go at my table happy.
It's now five am and Aylee is trying to get me home but I'm fighting with the bartender who didn't want to give me the drink.
"You should see yourself, you look like a wet puppy. You shouldn't have drank that much"
"Geez what are you? My dad?"
"Take my number and you'll find out" he says while writing his number in my phone and texting himself with my phone. Great, now he's got my number.
We are finally home and I'm so confused.
"Let's get you to bed" Aylee says
"I don't wanna go to bed, I wanna party"
"Not for the next two years, You partied enough"
"Are you drunk too?" it's the last thing I say before falling asleep.

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