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1 week later.

All my stuff has arrived. My guitar. My art and painting things. My pens and papers to write poems.

I sat out on the balcony painting a picture. I don't know what I'm painting it's weird but it looks like this...

 I don't know what I'm painting it's weird but it looks like this

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Ik creepy...

Then Wednesday comes outside.

Wednesday:"what are you painting?"

Me:"idk I just keep having these dreams. They're very vivid but it shows pictures of this."

Wednesday:"that's well weird."

Trust me ik. I don't tell her ik coz im far to busy for that.

Then suddenly someone pounces on me.

Then suddenly someone pounces on me

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Hope:"hey lil sis."

Me:"what are you doing here?"

Hope:"you forgot to say goodbye to me sis." She does a fake sad face.

Me:"Oh sorry little baby."I say pouting.

Hope:"Oh shut up."

Wednesday:"who is this Y/n?"

Me:"This is my big sister Hope."

Hope:"and you are?" She sticks her fangs out.

Wednesday:" ok vamp calm down. Addams Wednesday Addams."

Hope:"I'm not a 'vamp' I'm a mf trybrid!"

Me:"HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON!! Leave her alone k?"

Hope:"but little sis don't you want to have a snack with your big sis."

Me:"you shut of your humanity you dick!"

Hope:"and you turned yours back on apparently.Oh btw I came to tell you that dad sacrificed himself to save us."

Me:"Don't lie to me Hope!"

Hope:"I'm not."

Me:"Wednesday would you so kindly leave. Me and my sister are long over due for a chat."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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