14: I Get It, He's Hot

Start from the beginning

'Yes, next week.', the latter rushed out before swiftly closing the door in Rose's face.

Well, that was totally weird, Rose thought to herself as she turned on her heels and walked away. She unfolded the piece of paper in her hand, curious to know what Professor Green wanted to tell headmaster Silva, as it was obviously about her. She let out a groan in disappointment as her eyes scanned over the paper. Blank. Of course she would use magic to conceal the message.

'Clever.', Rose mumbled to herself in annoyance as she made her way over to the specialist's training area, guessing that was probably where Headmaster silva would be.

As Rose arrived there, it didn't take her long to spot him. He was shouting loudly at some specialists, angrily waving his arms around. She could tell they were in the middle of an exercise which, apparently, wasn't going well.

On her way over, Rose watched as the next specialist gave the exercise a try. It seemed that the exercise consisted of reaching some sort of cup by fighting a way through armed specialists.

Before Rose actually reached headmaster Silva, he had already noticed her.

'Ah, the fairy. Right on time. Get over here.', he ordered as he signalled at the specialists to pause the training.

'Oh, uhm, I'm actually just here to- ', Rose objected weakly, a bit intimidated by his angry posture but headmaster Silva apparently hadn't even heard her as he continued before she could even finish her sentence.

'This fairy-', he started before looking over at Rose. 'What's your name?', he questioned sternly.

Rose wanted to try and tell him again that she was just there to deliver a note but the angry and agitated look on headmaster Silva's face made her decide against. 'Uhm, it's Rose.', she mumbled awkwardly instead.

'Rose will attack you while you try to reach the cup. A bit of fairy magic is just what's needed to make this exercise a little more interesting!', he barked at the specialists.

A feeling of panic settled in Rose's stomach as she definitely didn't feel up to the task of attacking other students with her magic. Not after everything that had just happened. Her heartbeat had already increased, the gushing of her blood loud in her ears as she was desperately scrambling around her brain for a way to get out of this situation, but nothing seemed to come up.

'She's not here to assist the training, she's a first-year.', someone interfered, attracting everyone's attention.

Relief washed over Rose as she noticed Dane stepping forward. This was her chance to speak up.

'Yes, he's right. I've been trying to tell you, I'm just here to deliver a message.', Rose awkwardly added as she reached for the note and held it out for headmaster Silva to grab.

'Oh, my apologies.', he mumbled as he took the note and opened it.

Rose tried her hardest to sneak a peek at the message but sadly, she didn't succeed. Instead, she studied headmaster Silva's body language while he was reading, but as she noticed a flash of worry crossing over his facial features, she knew it was bad.

He briefly glanced over at her before composing himself. 'I have to take care of something. Keep training.', he ordered before walking away.

He was worried, Rose knew. They were hiding something from her, but she just didn't know what it was.

'Always getting yourself into trouble, aren't you?', Dane spoke up, interrupting her thoughts.

Rose looked at him quizzically before her brain caught up. 'Oh, yes.', she chuckled awkwardly. 'Me, always in trouble.'

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