Fate-In Time Side Story: Chaldea Alternative Records: Chapter 6

Saber clutched the piece of jewellery in her hand and held it close for inspection. She was sitting in front of a mirror in her room with her thoughts wandering listlessly. At the same time, she inclined her head and wore the necklace to observe her reflection upon the mirror. Young. Hopelessly young and without any weariness derived from war. A face of adolescence.
How many years had it been now? From child to teenager.
In Saber's world within her dreams, the days that had gone by, the weeks, months, and years spent in the company of friends and family, were perhaps the most carefree and joyous in her entire life. She was…happy?
Guilt flooded through her at the notion. A concept that the Shirou of her world would immediately chastise her for. Everyone has the right to happiness. Is it wrong to lead a life of contentment with no regrets?
Yes. For Saber's case it was. From a young age, she'd always had her duties and obligations to fulfill. Self gratification and happiness were not something a righteous King needed to save a falling country. At Saber's mental age, the notion was all but ingrained in her mind. It was even beginning to sprout within Child Arturia.
Saber had constantly seen the reflection of her past actions in the form of Child Arturia's experiences.
Child Arturia was in love, but rather than entertain the emotions of her heart, she chose to push them away in her feelings of embarrassment and her inexperience. Shirou's signs of affection were met with red-faced stutters and denial, but all the Arturia's knew that Child Arturia secretly took great joy in everything Shirou gave her. The only problem was the constant doubt in Child Arturia's mind about the pain she'd feel when she had to forsake everything for her kingship. Regardless, the feelings were only growing stronger and stronger by the day.
It was blatantly apparent, and admittedly, Saber herself wasn't unaffected.
Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Saber's lips twitched upwards to a ghost of a smile. The index finger of her right hand glided across the necklace's surface, her eyes watching the way the jewel at the center twinkled in the light.
Different from Child Arturia, Saber's Shirou treated her more maturely. It was less like an older brother teaching a younger sister, and more like equals exchanging pointers during lessons. As Saber had adjusted herself to the parameters of her pubescent body, she'd been able to start matching her Shirou blow for blow, though grudgingly, she only beat him when she used her magical energy, but that was cheating.
Saber felt like her current relationship with Shirou was much like the one she'd had with Lancelot when they sparred: a beneficial training relationship, only with Shirou there was a feeling involved that she couldn't quite explain, but Child Arturia could explain in a heartbeat.
Was she also beginning to fall in love?
Shirou's integrity, his character, his decisiveness to remain steadfast in his beliefs and stand up for others, they were all attractive from Saber's perspective. She admired him for it, and in turn, he always shook his head with humility.
"It's nothing compared to you," her Shirou had once told her, not knowing the effect it had on her mind. In his modesty, it was like Shirou knew the sort of life Saber had experienced and was able to relate with her.
That thought right there had caused Saber's heart to beat rapidly in her chest, and make a rapid retreat much to Shirou's confusion.
From the moment Saber was summoned to this strange place, nothing was making sense. The obligations she'd had, the duties she'd shouldered, all of that was cast aside in whatever phenomena she was experiencing. In a way, wasn't this exactly the type of wish she'd wanted granted by the Holy Grail in the first place?
Right now, Saber wasn't King. She'd never drawn forth Caliburn.
She could enjoy herself now, couldn't she? To live the life of normal girl she'd never been able to experience. To grow up, have kids, and be a mother with a loving husband. Shirou's smiling face appeared in Saber's mind and for a moment, she blanked while picturing what her family life would look like.
And then it all came crashing down.
Saber was running away from her destiny. What would become of the country if no one was to draw forth Caliburn? Of course, she had the ability to wield the sword, but she'd already seen that her Kingship led to ruin. How could she possibly try again?
Child Arturia could be optimistic about the future, but her older counterparts couldn't which was sad because Saber herself was harbouring pessimistic thoughts.
Saber felt guilty, but whenever her Shirou brought up the topic of future Kingship, she actively shied away from the subject. She was going to have to understand however, that she could only redirect the subject for so long. Regardless of what she did, the turning point in every Arturia's life would always come.
Saber clutched onto the necklace around her neck.
For better or for worse.

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