Axe-hand Morgan and the first fight

Start from the beginning

'These troops are mental.' (YN) was quietly examining and observing everything from the side of the mast Zoro was originally tied to, Coby now trembling again by her side. "Axe-hand Morgan... No one defies him. No one even thinks of defying him. Remember that."

"Hmm?" Coby looked up at her, pointing to himself. "You talkin' to me?"

"No." (YN) looked away and blandly responded. "Not you." She scratched the back of her neck in a little rushed movement, "But, hey, Coby, you wanna join the Marines, right?" He nodded. "But what if you end up as a chore boy here too?"

"Well..." The boy let a little grin slip onto his face. "When Luffy told me he wanted to become King of the Pirates, he said that if he had to die fighting for that, he would. That he wasn't going to give up." Coby had a true look of inspiration in his eyes. "I want to be brave like Luffy, and achieve my dream, no matter what the cost. So, I'll just work up from chore boy, and not let anything put me down."

(YN) gave him a little look then smiled softly. "Can I borrow that little string tie you have on?"

"Huh? This?" Coby removed the short blue bow he had tied underneath his shirt collar, but just as he handed it to (YN), he heard a gun click right above his ear and the cold barrel of a pistol parting through his hair. He gulped as sweat instantly formed on his brow.

(YN)'s lip trembled out of shock. "Hell-mushroom..."

Helmeppo was holding a gun to Coby's head and yelling out to Luffy who was beating Morgan to the ground. Literally. "Boy! Boy who had a straw hat! Listen here! If you make one more move, I'll shoot! I have this hostage!"

Luffy looked up and broke into a smile at the sight of Coby's expression.

Coby got the idea. "Luffy, I don't want to get in your way! Even if it means dying!"

"Yeah, I know," The black-haired boy grinned. "Give it up, stupid son! Coby really is ready to die!" He began approaching with a raised fist, but behind him, Morgan was raising his giant axe and Coby tried to warn him as Helmeppo shakily threatened further. "Gum-Gum: Pistol!"

Luffy punched Helmeppo back, Coby was set free, and Morgan's axe stopped right above Luffy's head, thanks to Zoro, of course, who sliced right across the bulky man's chest, who fell to the ground right after.

"Zoro." Luffy grinned.

"My pleasure, Captain." He replied instantly, his smile still visible through the sword in his mouth.

It was silent for a few moments before the other navy minions burst into cheers. "Yahoo!"

"Morgan's reign is over!"

"We're free!"

"Hurry for the Marines!"

"Huh? They're happy that their Captain had been taken down." Luffy hummed in confusion.

A little lizard tongue licked at (YN)'s jaw and she flicked its tiny head. "Stop that. And forget about what I said earlier. Morgan is down, remember that instead." It flickered at her its tail sparked with small flames.

Zoro out of the blue collapsed to the ground.

"Big bro!" (YN) shouted in alert and Luffy and Coby too looked down at him.

"I'm hungry..." He groaned with a pink tint under his eyes.


"I'm stuffed!" Zoro rubbed his belly with a hefty grin. "I was definitely at my rope's end after not having eaten for three weeks!"

"Which is super dumb..." (YN) rolled her eyes under Luffy's hat.

They were all sitting in Ririka, Rika's mother's, bar eating away as they were being served "How can you have a bigger appetite than me?" Zoro pointed to Luffy's plates while maintaining strict eye contact.

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