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Song of the Chapter: Rather be by Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne


Aimee's POV

It's late on Saturday evening when I get back to my hotel room after another show in Vegas. I look at my phone, almost time for the Formula One race to start.

Lando won't be racing, and he's gutted about it. I would be too if the doctors told me I wasn't allowed to perform for a few nights either. It's all you work for, and you want to be able to deliver. He didn't even want to leave his hotel room, not wanting to have to speak to media outlets. Or at least that's what Max texted me, Lando definitely not telling me he was feeling that disappointed in himself. 

I open my laptop, quickly going to F1 TV, still wanting to see how Max will do. Today is the race Max could become a two time world champion, and I would love to see that live. 

As I'm sitting on my bed with a green tea to soothe my throat after performing, I open my phone. I go over to Lando and I's chat, knowing he'll need someone to kill this time. I'm guessing this is the most difficult moment of the weekend for him. Qualifying was already challenging, but the race is just a whole other aspect. 

Are you even watching?

I can't not watch, can I?

Of course you can, who'll know?

You're right, but it'd make me a horrible team player

Where are you?

Locked inside the same hotel room I've been spending the last two days in.

The team had put him on bedrest, his ankle swollen pretty bad. He had to keep it elevated for a bit. It worked perfectly fine with Lando not wanting to leave the room. I look over the texts Lando sent me, he must be feeling so lonely.

So I do the one thing that makes sense to me, I press the video call button, hoping he'd pick up.

"Hey," he says, as he picks up the phone.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I ask him, he turns the camera to his foot. An icepack on there. It doesn't look too bad through my tiny phone screen, but I'm sure it won't capture the pain he's in anyway. 

"Swelling is going down rapidly, but I like the feeling of the icepack. So I'm keeping it there." Lando chuckles. "I even did a small work out this morning, with the physical therapist."

I smile, happy that they're at least letting him be active a bit. "That's good," I tell him.

"I'll be racing in Austin." He says confidently, although it might be more for him than it is for me.

"I'm sure you will, today just wasn't meant for you to be racing in." I tell him, and he gives me a small nod.

"I know, another rain race." He says pointing at his TV screen.

"I'm watching too." I tell him, aiming the camera at my laptop. "Let's watch together."


I wake up on Sunday morning my phone and laptop still on my bed. I must've fallen asleep during the screen.

My laptop's empty, but my phone is still on the FaceTime call I started hours ago. I look at the screen, Lando asleep. His phone must be on his nightstand or something. I check the time, it's  ten in the morning here. Seventeen hours later makes three at night for Lando.

I look at how peaceful he's looking asleep, before taking a screenshot. I put it as my background on my iPhone, but not the lock screen. This is not for everyone to see. I then end the video call. I'm not sure Lando's put his sound off, and I don't want to wake him while I pack to leave Las Vegas.

I have shows in Phoenix and Santa Fe after that, before going to Texas.

I'll be in the same state as Lando'll be in two weeks. I wonder if I'll be nearby enough for either of us to pay a visit to the other. 

I gather my clothes, and put them away in my suitcase. Thankful for the laundry service this hotel had, most of my clothes are cleaned and ready for me again.

After I've packed my suitcases, I roll them with me down to the lobby, having one of the crew members put them into the bus we've been travelling in. I then walk to the breakfast hall, where everyone's already at.

"Look there's our princess." Morty, my drummer, says, receiving multiple laughs from around the table.

"Good morning everyone." I say before getting some breakfast and taking a seat at one of the tables.


I have to admit, I am really enjoying my conversations with Lando. I even caught myself being excited to get off the stage at night, because I'd get the chance to talk to Lando about whatever I wanted.

We never seem to run out of things to talk about.

"I can't believe we're gonna be in the same timezone tomorrow." Lando tells me, as I'm gathering my things in my hotel room on Sunday afternoon. We're flying to Dallas tonight, the first two shows in Texas being there on Wednesday and Thursday. And then I'll go to San Antonio for Friday and Saturday.

"Me neither, but I can't seem to figure out why you're flying tomorrow. Most drivers don't get here until Wednesday or early Thursday morning." I tell him, remembering what Max once told me.

"I've got a merch shoot with Quadrant, and Daniel told me I'd have to experience the real Texas life or something." Lando says with a small chuckle.

"Sounds fun." I tell him with a smile, it would sure as hell make talking a lot easier.

"You're coming to the race though, aren't you?" He asks me. "You don't have a concert, please tell me you're coming."

"I might." I say, looking at the VIP paddock pass in my suitcase.

"Come on Aims. You aren't not going to come see me, are you?" He pouts.

"I might." I tell him with a playful smile on his face.

"Ugh, you're so stupid sometimes." He says, putting his phone down, so he can pack himself as well.


"Good evening Dallas!" I yell through the microphone, as I take the stage on Wednesday evening. Ready for a whole new set of shows. 

I immediately jump to my set. Enjoying every moment of it. It isn't until I sit down on a chair in the middle of the stage for a slow song, that I notice Max Verstappen standing in the VIP area.

Next to him I spot Daniel Ricciardo, George Russel, Charles Leclerc and the boy that's been on my mind for the last month and a half.


We make eye contact as I sing, a smile forming on my face. I can't help it really, the thought of him being here just brings one of the brightest smiles possible to my face. 

Why are they here?


Edited 4-9-2023

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