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Adam got a whole plastic casing of blueberries out the fridge and placed them down on the counter.

Cesar, Adam and Jonah we're gonna make mark a pie. Cesar told them that Mark felt a little scared last night so they had to bake him a pie to make him feel a little better, but the truth is Mark had a ptsd induced flashback, and that made him have a breakdown and a meltdown.

"I got the bowl!"

Jonah placed the bowl on the counter, and Cesar pulled out the pie crust.

"Okay! Do you guys want to make sure Mark doesn't come downstairs while I bake the pie?"

"Yeah! We will!"


Adam held Jonah's hand and they ran upstairs together.

Cesar sighed..

"Please be okay, Mark."


"U-Uhm..Come in?.."

Adam and Jonah opened the door. Mark was happy to see them.

"Oh! Hey kids!-..What are you two doing here?"

"Bothering you!" Adam giggled.

Jonah and Adam hopped on Marks bed.

Mark laughed a little before wrapping the two in a bear hug and hugging them.


Adam and Jonah giggled while trying to get out of Marks grasp, he let go after a while.

Mark was glad to feel calm..Especially after last night. The knocking scraped at the back of his mind. It triggered a massive panic attack. He could barely be touched. But now, he felt happy..And peaceful.

"Man, Cesar is really missing out..I should go get him."

"Nooo! Stay up hereeee.." Jonah said, slightly pushing Mark to lay back down.

"Yeah! Stay up here pleeeeease! Let's watch cartoons!"

"Pffft, okay, alright."

Mark turned on his tv and switched to cartoons. The two kids snuggled up next to him and laid down, watching.

Mark noticed the smell in the air..It smelt like blueberries.

"Hm, smells good..Is Cesar baking?"

"Ye- No! Noo! He's nott, he's just uhm.."

"Spraying cologne!" Adam answered.

"Blueberry cologne?"


Cesar doesn't even like cologne. He likes perfume more. But Mark just smiled and shook his head.

"Mmm..The smell is making me hungry.." Jonah sighed.

"Me too.." Adam said, looking at the door.

Yeah, Cesar was definitely baking. He can't cook, but he can bake..Surprising I know.

Mark heard creaks and then a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

It was Cesar. He walked in with a slice of pie on a plate with a fancy looking fork.

"Here! I baked a pie for you. It's blueberry!"

"It smells delicious..Thank you, Cesar!"

"No problem Mark. Anytime!"

Cesar handed Mark the pie, he took his fork and cut a piece off, chewing it.

"Mmh..This tastes amazing!"

"I'm glad you like it!"

Mark knew that he was safe here, with Cesar, Adam, and Jonah. They all cared about him..And he cared about them too. He was glad he felt safe in his own home again. He'll never let the same thing happen to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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