Soup or Salad

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In the short amount of time they knew each other, Bolin and Eric grew closer.

Sure, Bolin wasn't the most social of people. He wouldn't label himself only as an introvert because that's not how he felt about himself. He spoke when spoken to or when he felt he needed to, that was all. He grew up shy, which made other kids stray away from him. He wasn't bullied by any means either, he had a few friends, not a large group though. Just two who he'd often see and enjoy the company of. "Let's go find worms after the rain at recess!" "No thanks, I don't like mud." He would be invited places but if they weren't up to his standard he'd refuse to go.

Eric however? That was a completely different story. At a young age it was a clear that he was a major social butterfly. He was loud and rowdy, perfect role model for a lot of the boys in the class but he wasn't rude. He was actually very sweet and shy around the girls in his classes, which made him a popular school crush amongst them. He had a big circle of friends he'd be around constantly and didn't mind helping people with things like sports or even exams, even though he was terrible at school work itself, which often put him in a rock between a hard place.

Now here they both were. New and improved young adults. Bolin, being a 20 year old, Art major in his senior year of college, didn't expect to meet someone he'd ever take romantic interest in. And he especially didn't expect it to be someone like Eric. Usually he liked quiet and calm men, since he could better keep up with them but Eric was the total opposite of that. He was loud, and rowdy, and cute. It was like having a big puppy following him around and asking questions all. "Why is the sky that shade of blue?" "Your hair is so puffy, what shampoo do you use?" "Wanna borrow my shirt?" That last one especially was after a...not so PG-13 night together. How could someone that gentle and squishy acting be so...different in a private light anyway?! That wasn't what was on Bolin's mind though. Currently, he and his firecracker were at a cafe near their campus for a lunch date.

Bolin asked eric if he wanted to have lunch together since his sculpting class ended a bit earlier then he thought it would and eric didn't have a second thought when he agreed. "Soup or salad?" The age old question that eric could not make up his mind on. To be a big, intimidating man, he was actually a patient and indecisive person who had trouble making even the smallest decisions. "Uhm...h-how about the uh.." Bolin couldn't help but give a deadpanned look at Eric which only made him panic more. "We'll do both for him, since he can't decide. And I'll just go with the salad. Thank you. Jesus Eric, how hard is it to order?" Bolin asked the freckle faced man who shrugged. "I dunno, thank you for getting both though." Eric responded and Bolin put a hand out, touching on one of the many freckles on the man's face. "I didn't do it because I wanted a thanks. You clearly like both so I wanted to get you what you liked." Now his crimson hair could match with his cheeks which nearly engulfed themselves in a deep blush as he just nodded without a second thought. "It'll be my treat next time." Eric mumbled and Bolin moved his hand away, laughing quietly as he nodded. "Sure, sure."

It started with a songNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ